
  • 网络Serial Killer;Series killer
  1. 那名连环杀手声称已经杀了400人。

    The serial killer claimed to have killed 400 people .

  2. 这部电影是讲一个连环杀手的,不适合胆小的人看。

    It 's a film about a serial killer and not for the faint-hearted .

  3. 这位演员说,在演了伊阿古和英格兰连环杀手弗莱德·韦斯特(FredWest)后,他渴望演一个更具英雄气质的角色。

    The actor said that , after playing Iago and the English serial killer Fred West , he yearned for a more heroic role .

  4. 例如,在第一集《粉红的研究》中,福尔摩斯利用iPhone中的全球定位仪,将连环杀手绳之以法;当然他高超的侦探技能也功不可没。

    For example , in the first episode A Study in Pink , Holmes tracks down a serial killer with the help of an iPhone , a GPS-enabled computer , and of course , his astute detective skills .

  5. 继将电视剧《糖衣陷阱》引进小屏幕取得成功后,NBC已将机会锁定《汉尼拔》,直接拍摄13集电视剧,取材于大家喜爱的连环杀手系列。

    Following the success of bringing The Firm to the small screen , NBC has decided to give a chance to Hannibal , giving a straight-to-series order of 13 episodes for the program about everyone 's favorite serial killer .

  6. 我们说的是一个活跃的连环杀手。

    We 're talking about a motivated individual out there killing .

  7. 我从来就没听说过黑人连环杀手。

    I 've never even heard of a black serial killer .

  8. 据说你们逮着了一个连环杀手。

    Thought you guys had a big-timeserial killer on your hands .

  9. 他是20世纪犯案最多的连环杀手中的一个。

    One of the most prolific serial killer of the20th century .

  10. 警方追捕连环杀手数月了。

    The police have been following a serial killer for months .

  11. 他并不比其他连环杀手更有经验。

    He was no more experienced than any average serial killer .

  12. 他认为是连环杀手干的。

    He thinks it 's the work of a serial killer .

  13. 很多连环杀手就堂而皇之地生活在他们的社区中。

    Many serial killers hide in plain sight within their communities .

  14. 查明那个连环杀手的一切。

    And find out all you can about that serial killer .

  15. 请问你是连环杀手吗?

    Are you , by any chance , a serial killer ?

  16. 听着像说“别靠近连环杀手”似的。

    That 's like saying stay away from a serial killer .

  17. 你相不相信有黑人连环杀手这件事。

    You can believe in black serial killers or not .

  18. 我们手上有一个有完美职业的连环杀手。

    We 've got ourselves a serial killer with the perfect career .

  19. 他们认为这是一个连环杀手干的。

    They 're saying it 's the work of a serial killer .

  20. 但我从不认为他们中间会有连环杀手。

    But I never figured any of them for a serial killer .

  21. 看样子我们抓到个了连环杀手。

    Looks like we 've got a serial killer off the street .

  22. 他曾在一个百老汇演出中扮演一位连环杀手。

    He portrayed a serial killer in a Broadway show .

  23. 被告知生活以及轮廓和一个连环杀手一样?

    Lead the life and fit the profile of a serial killer ?

  24. 我一直以为你是一个连环杀手。

    I kind of thought you were a seriai kiiier .

  25. 他用那双连环杀手的脏手碰我。

    He touched me with his creepy serial killer hands .

  26. 我们可能正面对着一个连环杀手。

    We might have a serial killer on our hands .

  27. 就是说真正的连环杀手仍然逍遥法外。

    Which means the serial killer is still at large .

  28. 这个连环杀手是个独特的美国现象。

    The serial killer is a uniquely American phenomenon .

  29. 被这些连环杀手吸引,堕入爱河。

    Women that fall in love with serial killers .

  30. 你不知道这有很多连环杀手吗?

    Don 't you know there 's a serial killer on the loose ?