
  • 网络The Thinker
  1. 你是一个贪婪的学习者和思考者。

    You are an avid learner and thinker .

  2. John是一个深度思考者。

    John is such a deep thinker .

  3. 应鼓励孩子们成为独立思考者。

    Children should be encouraged to be independent thinkers .

  4. 如果大学学位的智力价值能被精确测量,更多的人就会寻求高等教育,并且成为更好的思考者。

    If the intellectual worth of a college degree can be accurately measured , more people will seek higher education — and come out better thinkers .

  5. 看一看下面的伟大思考者吧:H。

    Consider some of the great thinkers : H.

  6. AMA“对管理领域最具影响力的50位最伟大的思考者和商业领导者”,《福布斯》“五位最受尊重的执行教练”之一。

    He is " one of50 considerers and business leaders who have weightiest impact to management vacation " commented by AMA ," one of5 executive coaches who are most respected " commented by Fubusi .

  7. 贝恩(Bain)网站上的内容就是典型例子:“我们需要聪明、具有创新力、渴望尝试不可思议之事的思考者。学习曲线是陡峭的。但工作令人振奋。你拥有无限的职业潜力。”

    The Bain website is typical : " We need smart , innovative thinkers who aspire to incredible things . The learning curve is steep . But the work is exhilarating . And your career potential is infinite . "

  8. 现在,如何将思考者从思考中解脱出来?

    Now , how to free the thinker from his thoughts ?

  9. 思考者的任何努力仍然是思考的过程。

    Any exertion on his part is still the thinking process .

  10. 思考者喜欢系统、组织、解决问题。

    A Thinker loves systems and organization and solving problems .

  11. 双子:你是个快速而聪明的思考者。

    GEMINI : You are a quick and intelligent thinker .

  12. 问:心意和思考者不同吗?

    Question : Is the mind different from the thinker ?

  13. 如果你是一位视觉型思考者,不妨尝试思维导图的方式。

    If you 're a visual thinker , try a mind map .

  14. 我是思考者社区的成员。

    I am a member of a community of thinkers .

  15. 在美国,大多数管理者是语言思维方式为主的左脑思考者。

    Most managers in America are verbally oriented left brainers .

  16. 他们是独立自主的思考者,不会特意去取悦你。

    They are independent thinkers who don 't particularly care about pleasing you .

  17. 你是思考者社区的一分子吗?

    Are you part of the Community of Thinkers ?

  18. 但是一个过度思考者会变成在生活中止步不前的人、自我破坏发生在生活中好事的人。

    In becoming someone who self-sabotages the good things that happen in life .

  19. 我们不得不自己做决定,成为独立的思考者。

    We are forced to make choices , and become our own thinkers .

  20. 罗丹以其青铜雕像“思考者”而闻名。

    Rodin is famous for his bronze'the thinker ' .

  21. 一些独立思考者甚至生产出使用植物油的汽车。

    Some independent thinkers have even produced cars that run on vegetable oil .

  22. 要想成为一个积极的思考者,下面这些也许能帮到你:

    To become a positive thinker , these may help you : 1 .

  23. 因此,思考制造了思考者,而不是相反。

    So , the thoughts produce the thinker , not the other way round .

  24. 模式思考者,那是音乐家和数学家的心智

    pattern thinkers , music and math minds .

  25. 要想成为一个积极的思考者,决心和毅力必不可少。

    In order to become a positive thinker , determination and consistency are important .

  26. 这表明你是一位深思熟虑、头脑清楚的思考者,能够分清轻重。

    It shows you 're thoughtful , a clear thinker , and can prioritize .

  27. 如果你是一个综合思考者,你也许会处于不利地位。

    If you are a synthetic thinker , you may be at a disadvantage .

  28. 像行动者那思考,像思考者那样行动。

    Think like a man of action and act like a man of thought .

  29. 是否有不存在思考的思考者?

    Does the thinker exist without thoughts ?

  30. 最后,积极思考者都更善于解决问题,更好的与人交际。

    At the end , positive thinkers are better problem solvers and have better interactions .