
  • 网络Theory of Thinking;imageless thought
  1. 其一是GeorgeLakoff和MarkJohnson的人类隐喻性思维理论。

    One of them is the Metaphorical Thought theory by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson .

  2. 寓言思维理论(简称PMT,ParabolicMindTheory)就是认知文体学中的一个重要理论。

    The theory of parabolic mind ( PMT for short ) or parabolic projection is one of the valuable cognitive stylistic theories that have inspired literary analysts .

  3. 无意识思维理论(UTT)是近期对无意识思维研究的最新成果。

    Unconscious thought theory ( UTT ) is the latest achievement of the current study on unconscious thought .

  4. 对群体思维理论的发展过程进行了简要回顾。

    Prove on convergence of group thought under the given distribution ;

  5. 群体思维理论的发展及其实证研究综述

    Groupthink theory : Model development and empirical research review

  6. 批判性思维理论与测验的新替代。

    Part six : a new alternative of critical thinking theory and assessment .

  7. 刘勰的艺术思维理论

    Liu 's Theory on Artistic Way of Thinking

  8. 并围绕其核心内容,以建构主义学习理论、创新思维理论和自组织理论为基础,论述了在现代信息网络环境下学习能力的培养;

    Elaborates the cultivation of learning ability under the circumstances of modern information network ;

  9. 揭示思维理论贯穿数学教学

    Revealing thought theory , Penetrating Maths teaching

  10. 批判性思维理论研究。批判性思维概念的理论探讨

    Part two : psychological theories of critical thinking . Theoretic Research About the Conception of Critical Thinking

  11. 并运用财务管理理论和系统思维理论,构建了企业商业信用的系统关系数理模型。

    According to the finance management and system thinking , we make the math model of trade credit .

  12. 心理分析流派主要对个体进行心理分析和对市场进行心理分析,运用群体心理理论、逆向思维理论。

    The psychological analysis school analyzes individual psychology and market psychology essentially making use of theories of Crowd Psychology and Contrary Thinking .

  13. 最后,从耗散结构理论、思维理论和学习理论提出了城市地理创造教学的具体指导程序。

    Finally , create the concrete leading procedure in city geography creating teaching from dissipation construction theory , theory of thinking and study .

  14. 通过立体思维理论的研究探讨,将传统地理学的空间思维推向更加广阔的维度,在一定程度上突破了高中地理中较为单纯的区域空间。

    Through studying the stereoscopic thinking theory , it develops the stereoscopic thinking theory and breaks the relatively simple space of the senior school geography .

  15. 分析了环境容量预测方法,应用可持续发展思维理论解决环境容量问题。

    Analyzing the methods of environment capacity predicts method and ecosystem capacity estimate , and applying continual develop theories to solve the problem of the environment capacity .

  16. 本文在对批判性思维理论研究的基础上,结合国内现状,主张批判性思维的培养途径主要是学校教育。

    Basing on the critical thinking theory and combining with the domestic study , this thesis advocates that school education is the main way to cultivating critical thinking .

  17. 根据批判性思维理论的最新发展及数学思维的特点,本文认为,数学批判性思维的结构应分为数学批判性思维知识、数学批判性思维技能及批判性思维倾向三部分。

    According to the up-to-minute development of the theory of critical thinking , we think that the structure of mathematics critical thinking includes knowledge , abilities and critical tendency .

  18. 于是,顺理成章的引入了崭新的马氏写作思维理论:重复与对比的赋形思维、分析与综合的路径思维、协调与对抗的策略思维。

    Therefore , logical introduction brand-new Ma has written the thought theory : Redundant and contrast size enlargement thought that analysis and synthesis way thought that coordinated and resistance strategy thought .

  19. 信息思维理论的提出,为信息哲学的研究开辟了一个极富价值的新方向.这一方向可能成为一般信息哲学通向应用信息哲学分支领域以及应用信息科学领域的中介性桥梁。

    It is a new research direction of information philosophy and may become the bridge which connect the general information philosophy with the applied information philosophy and the applied information science .

  20. 研究课题的理论基础:创造性思维理论1、美国心理学家沃拉斯的四阶段说。

    This research is based on the following theories : Firstly , the creative thinking theory is based on : 1 . American psychologist J. Wallas 's theory of ' four stages ' .

  21. 将芜杂的批判性思维理论按5个不同维度加以分类和梳理,将它们分为:解决问题理论、技能理论、认知发展理论、信息加工理论、社会文化历史理论5大类。

    Based on five different dimensions , the critical thinking theories are divided into five groups . They are problem-solving theory , skill theory , cognitive development theory , information processing theory and society-culture-history theory .

  22. 本文试图结合思维理论的基础知识和高中物理教学的特点,对高中物理教学中学生思维能力的培养进行初步的研究。

    This thesis attempt to make a preliminary research towards the students ' thinking capability fostering in senior middle school physics teaching combining the knowledge of the thinking theory and the features of senior middle school physics teaching .

  23. 基于建构主义和创造思维理论,结合工程力学教学特点,提出了建立教学模式的指导思想、方法及内容。

    In this paper , the guiding ideology , method and content of teaching model in establishment are proposed based on constructivism and the theory of creative thinking , in combination with the teaching features of engineering mechanics .

  24. 运用模糊数学思维理论,为测绘管理中优选测量施工单位提供一种实用、可靠的判别模式。

    This thesis offers a sort of discrimination model , that is working and safe , for the selecting of surveying unite in charge of construction by means of fuzzy thought theory in administration of surveying and mapping .

  25. 本文研究了有关语言迁移问题的文献资料,梳理了研究者们提出的相关理论,如普遍语法理论、参数理论、言语思维理论、经验理论等。

    This thesis has reviewed researches on language transfer and integrated the relevant theories claimed by different researchers , such as the theory of universal grammar , the theory of parameter settings , the theory of verbal thought , and the theory of experience .

  26. 本文在系统分析已有批判性思维理论和测验的基础上,提出一种综合性的批判性思维理论,在测评方法上另辟蹊径,试图发展一种以模糊综合评判为基础的批判性思维测评新技术。

    This dissertation puts forward a synthetic theory of critical thinking and develops a new assessment method of critical thinking based on fuzzy synthetic judgment , following by systematically analyzing the theories and test methods of critical thinking which have been developed by other psychologists .

  27. 他谈到的关键因素不少都获得了现代科学和创造思维理论的支持:依靠流程而不是玄妙的天才;组合的本质;思考的时间;大脑无意识思考的帮助和其他一些东西。[qh]

    touching on a number of elements corroborated by modern science and thinking on creativity : its reliance on process over mystical talent , its combinatorial nature , its demand for a pondering period , its dependence on the brain 's unconscious processes , and more . [ qh ]

  28. 在实践性思维的理论与实践研究中,国外主要从对隐性知识的研究、编写PIFS(学校实践性智力)课程以及思维教学的模式等方面展开研究,其研究已具有一定的广度与深度;

    The theoretical and experimental studies of practical thinking , tacit knowledge , PIFS curricular and teaching for thinking are studied by the foreign researchers , whereas there is a little study on practical thinking in our country .

  29. 斯腾伯格思维风格理论述评

    A Review of R. J. Stenberg 's Theory of Thinking Styles

  30. 探究式教学对培养数学思维的理论与实践研究

    Theory and Experimental Research of Exploratory Teaching in Fostering Mathematical Thinking