
  1. 对高校毕业生思想教育方法的探讨

    Discussion on Ideological Education Methods to Graduates of Colleges and Universities

  2. 专业导论课&一种全新而有效的大学新生思想教育方法

    Professional introduction courseware & a new and effective method of freshmen ideology education

  3. 心理干预与思想教育方法对军人心理健康水平的影响

    Effects of psychological intervention plus ideological education on the mental health level of soldiers

  4. 高校学生自治法治化的思想教育方法&以高校安全稳定为视角

    Methods of Ideological Education for Self-Government Legalization of University Students & Based on Security and Stability of the University

  5. 文章针对大学新生的这种常见现象,有针对性地提出解决问题的思路和办法&开设专业导论课,这是一种全新而有效的大学新生思想教育方法。

    In view of the normal phenomena in freshmen , the article puts forward the new ideas and methods of dealing with these questions-offering the professional introduction courseware , which is a new and effective method of freshmen ideology education .

  6. CAS理论认为主体与环境、主体与主体之间的相互作用是非线性的,这就为我们在实施大学生主体性思想政治教育方法中,克服简单思维,实施非线性教育提供了一个重要的启示。

    The CAS theory claims that the interaction between agent and the environment is nonlinear . That provides an important enlightenment for overcoming simple thinking and Implementing nonlinear education in the subjective ideological and political education of college students .

  7. 孔子的教育思想和教育方法对当代教育的启示

    Inspiration for Modern Education from Educational Method and Thinking of Confucius

  8. 对于教育来说,具有正确的指导思想和教育方法至关重要。

    Correct guidelines and methods are most important in education .

  9. 网络化时代高校思想政治教育方法初探

    University 's Ideological and Political Education Method of Internet Era

  10. 论国外思想政治教育方法的主要特点及启示

    On the Main Characteristics and Enlightenment of Ideological and Political Education Abroad

  11. 第三部分:当代青年思想政治教育方法运用的现实思考。

    The third part studies the practical thinking of youth ideological-political education .

  12. 以人为本:创新农民工思想政治教育方法和手段

    People-Orientation Innovating Ideological and Political Education Methods and Means of Migrant workers

  13. 高校思想政治教育方法研究

    Research on the methods of ideological and political education in colleges and universities

  14. 新世纪党的思想政治教育方法的继承与创新

    Carrying on and creation methods of ideological , political education at new century

  15. 思想政治教育方法辩证逻辑特征刍议

    On the Features of the Dialectic Logic of the Ideological Political Education Way

  16. 思想政治教育方法的实效性研究

    Studies on the Practical Results of the Method in Ideological and Political Education

  17. 我国思想政治教育方法及其创新发展研究

    The Ideological and Political Education Method of Our Country and Innovative Development Studying

  18. 和谐社会下的大学生思想政治教育方法创新

    The Innovation of Harmonious-Society-Based the Ideological and Political Education Methods of College Students

  19. 浅论《颜氏家训》蕴含的思想政治教育方法

    On the Methods for Education in Ideology and Politics Implicated in Yan Family Instructions

  20. 思想政治教育方法是一个不断发展的开放系统。

    The method of ideological & political education is an opening system with development .

  21. 论美国思想政治教育方法

    On American Ideological and Political Education Method

  22. 高校学生思想政治教育方法创新的必要性以及高校学生思想政治教育方法创新的意义。

    The need of the innovation of college students ' ideological and political education methods ;

  23. 对新时期大学生思想政治教育方法创新的思考

    Thinking on the Innovative Methods of the Idea and Political Education in the New Period

  24. 体育教学中的思想品德教育方法

    Methods of Moral Education in Physical Education

  25. 创新思想道德教育方法。

    Innovating methods of ideological moral education .

  26. 第二部分主要研究现代思想政治教育方法艺术的理论基础和实践基础。

    The second chapter mainly talks about the rationale and practical basis of the method-art .

  27. 理性与情感的交融&寻求思想政治教育方法的合理张力

    Reasonableness and emotion to melt effectively & Explore the reasonable tension of thought political education method

  28. 论家庭系统疗法及高校思想政治教育方法的创新

    On Family System Therapy and the Innovation in the Methods of College Ideological and Political Education

  29. 浅谈新形势下大学生思想教育的方法与艺术

    On the Means and Art of College or University Students ' Ideological Education in New Situations

  30. 故此,思想政治教育方法体系化、科学化已成当务之急。

    Thus , the systematization of ideological education has become the most pressing matter of the moment .