
sī lǜ
  • think;contemplate;deliberate;preoccupation;consider carefully
思虑 [sī lǜ]
  • (1) [think]∶思索考虑

  • 思虑周详

  • (2) [consider carefully]∶仔细考虑

思虑[sī lǜ]
  1. 仅仅由于人类有能力思虑未来,才出现了对大规模破坏的恐惧。

    It is only thanks to the human ability to contemplate the future that fears of mass destruction have arisen .

  2. 土地伦理规范的内容包括尊重与善待土地、关心个人并关心人类以及着眼当前并思虑未来。

    The contents of land ethic norm include respect and treat well the land , concern to individuals and humanity , as well as care on current and contemplate future .

  3. 他思虑周到。

    He considers everything carefully .

  4. 我不加思虑地爱你,就像男子们为正义而斗争;

    I love thee freely , as men strive for right .

  5. 蠢人饶舌,智者思虑。

    A stupid fellow is talkative ; a wise man is meditative .

  6. 4.insanea.患精神病的,极愚蠢的Hethoughthimselfinsane.他因思虑过度而精神失常。变得精神错乱或迷乱;

    To become mentally deranged or obsessed ;

  7. NETMVC框架的细节之前,我们欲望确保你熟悉了MVC设计模式,并按它的体式格式进行思虑。

    NET MVC Framework , we want to make sure you are familiar with the MVC design pattern and the thinking behind it .

  8. 评估职业代价时,把成长机遇放在安定保险之前思虑。

    In evaluating a career , put opportunity ahead of security .

  9. 失眠症思虑过度状态评定量表的初步研制

    Initial Development of Scale for Insomnia With The State of Over-Anxiety

  10. 哲学是怀疑,是思虑,是静观,是探索。

    Philosophy is suspicion , contemplation , reflection , and exploration .

  11. 光亮辙印,犹似你留予我的思虑

    and leaves a shining furrow , as thy thoughts in me

  12. 人的扫数尊严在于思虑的本领。

    The whole dignity of man lies in the power of thought .

  13. 我们是人,处事总是思虑过度、分析过度,遇事爱夸大其词。

    As humans , we overthink , overanalyze and dramatize .

  14. 夫贵者,夜以继日,思虑善否。

    Men of distinction ponder over good and evil day and night .

  15. 在决定在一个人身上投入时间和精力之前他们都会思虑再三。

    They think carefully about investing their time and energy .

  16. 我讲话有困难我叫这个思虑堵塞。

    I had difficulty talking what I called thought block .

  17. 我们必须思虑这个工作筹划。

    We must take this work plan into consideration .

  18. 以不加思虑的大胆为特点;目中无物的轻视危险或者结果。

    Marked by unthinking boldness ; with defiant disregard for danger or consequences .

  19. 爱情:两颗清澈、没有思虑的心。

    Love : two minds without a single thought .

  20. 散步让我沉浸于思虑中,能够使我放松。

    Walking allows me to concentrate on my thoughts and relax . 4 .

  21. 当你进入无思虑的入静后,你自己便完全在平安之中。

    When you become thoughtlessly aware then you become completely peaceful within yourself .

  22. 思虑过度伤神,体力过度伤气,房事过度伤精。

    La Tortura thought excessive , excessive physical injury gas , sexual over-wound precision .

  23. 我还记得那天站在那边思虑着“粉碎我的协调的人”。

    And I remember standing there that day thinking about the disturbers of mine .

  24. 你们那一个能用思虑,使寿数多加一刻呢。

    Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature ?

  25. 尤吉利时机恰当和思虑周密的举动应该能扭转猛龙下滑的颓势。

    Ujiri 's well-timed and thoughtful moves should help reverse the Raptors ' backsliding .

  26. 费茨威廉望了她一下,问她为什么这样思虑重重。

    After watching her a little , Fitzwilliam asked her why she was so thoughtful .

  27. 不要对时下的滞留心存太多的思虑吧,等待就是了。

    Not to think too much on the present lag , no other than wait .

  28. 对当前《目录学》课程的思虑

    On the Current Teaching of Bibliography

  29. 他的脸上露出带思虑的微笑。

    He smiled a discreet smile .

  30. 思虑过度对女青年的心理状态的消极影响,以月经期更为严重。

    Being overstrung will have worse influence on young women in their period than non-period time .