
  1. 在犹太历5774年新年前夕,朗达•莱文(RhondaLevin)就在拉结会堂,坐在专门的女宾席。在巨大的会堂中央,摆着一排人造绿叶植物,将男宾席和女宾席分隔开。

    Rhonda Levin was there , on the eve of the new Jewish year 5774 , sitting in the section reserved for women in the cavernous house of worship , where a row of artificial elephant ear plants runs straight down the centre to keep the men away from their womenfolk .

  2. 透过人缝向女宾席探望。

    Penetrates the human to sew to the female guest mat visits .

  3. 最重要的两位女宾是卡伦-布利克森和伊迪丝西特书尔。

    The two most important lady guests were Karen Blixen and Edith sitwell .

  4. 这位女宾很大方地挽住我的胳膊,由我引她去进餐。

    The lady guest graciously accepted my arm and allowed me to take her in to dinner .

  5. 一个中产阶级的晚宴上,女宾们以把车开下悬崖为笑谈。

    At a middle-class dinner party , a female guest talks casually of driving her car off a cliff .

  6. 在美国,婚礼礼仪禁止任何女宾穿白色的礼服,只有新娘才能穿。

    Wedding etiquette in Ameri-ca forbids the wearing of a white dress to any female guest except the bride .

  7. 男宾们都称赞他的一表人才,女宾们都说他比彬格莱先生漂亮得多。

    The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man , the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr.

  8. 你光想想这一点看吧,亲爱的;他确实跟她跳了两场!全场那么多女宾,就只有她一个人蒙受了他两次邀请。

    Only think of that my dear ; he actually danced with her twice ; and she was the only creature in the room that he asked a second time .

  9. 酒吧和餐馆在这一天通常也会接待很多女宾,而孩子们则会为他们的母亲和祖母们准备礼物。

    the day with their friends , sisters , mothers , aunts , etc. Bars andrestaurants usually serve mostly women and girls on this night.Children often buy presents for their mothers and grandmothers 。

  10. 约翰威尔克斯看似无意但却迅速地回到了发言人旁边的位置上,仿佛是想向所有在场的人着重指出这个人是他的座上客,并且提醒他们这里还有女宾呢。

    John Wilkes casually but swiftly came back to his place beside the speaker , as if to impress on all present that this man was his guest and that , moreover , there were ladies present .

  11. 印度婚礼中精细炫目的传统是,新娘和其他女宾会用海娜花染色在身体上做出代表快乐、希望和爱的错综复杂图案。

    As part of the elaborate and visually stunning traditional Indian wedding , brides and other female attendees are often dyed with intricate henna designs to represent the joy , hope , and love of the occasion .

  12. 虽然这些女宾穿的是天鹅绒服装,披的是开司米披肩,大门口还有华丽的四轮轿式马车在恭候,却都带着惊讶、甚至赞赏的眼神注视着展现在她们眼前的豪华陈设。

    Men for the most part , but also a number of ladies who , though dressed in velvet and wearing Indian shawls , and all with their own elegant broughams standing at the door , were examining the riches set out before them with astonished , even admiring eyes .