
  1. 对台军售问题可能再次浮出水面,造成危害,尤其是如果奥巴马决定向台湾出售f-16战斗机的话(这是布什留给继任者去做的决定)。

    Arms sales to Taiwan could surface again in a menacing way , particularly if Mr Obama decided to sell F-16 fighter jets to Taiwan , a decision that Mr Bush left to his successor .

  2. 美国大使馆官员证实,中国外交部已经就对台军售问题召见美驻华大使骆家辉。

    U.S. Embassy officials confirmed that senior Chinese Foreign Ministry officials called in Ambassador Gary Locke over the arms sale .

  3. 但是在此后的30年,美国对台军售问题不时成为干扰中美双边关系的问题。

    But in the following three decades , the issue has come up again and again to bother the bilateral relationship .

  4. 中美两国的军事关系过去时常因为各种事件而紧张,例如美国对台军售等问题。

    Ties between the US and Chinese militaries has , at times , been strained by various issues , including arms sales to Taiwan .

  5. 美国对台军售的后果,还将在一定程度上取决于中国实施制裁的具体措施。

    The fallout from the sale of arms to Taiwan will also depend in part on the details of any sanctions that China does impose .

  6. 去年美国批准上一批对台大额军售之后,北京方面切断了中美两军的联系。

    Beijing cut military ties after the last big US sale to Taiwan last year .

  7. 中国政府宣布将对参与最新对台军售的相关美国企业实施制裁。

    Beijing has announced it will sanctions relevant U.S. enterprises involved in the latest arms sales to Taiwan .

  8. 中国政府对美国最新的对台军售计划表示坚决反对。

    Beijing has voiced firm opposition to the latest arms sales plan by the United States to Taiwan .