
  • 网络duras;Marguerite Duras
  1. 远逝的歌声&论杜拉斯《情人》的音乐结构

    Singing of Songs & On the Music Structure of The Lover of Marguerite Duras

  2. 欲望的诗意:杜拉斯文学创作审美特质

    Poetic Flavor for Desire : Special Aesthetic Characteristics in Duras 's Creation

  3. 父亲的形象在杜拉斯的作品中很少出现,似乎是缺失的。

    The figure of the father is seemingly absent in Duras'works ;

  4. 杜拉斯初期小说的烦恼主题

    The Theme of Vexation in Duras 's Earlier Novels

  5. 论杜拉斯“中国情人”形象塑造中的身份焦虑

    On duras 's identity anxiety of image creation of " chinese lover "

  6. 欲望是杜拉斯作品最为动人的主题。

    " Desire " is the most moving theme of Duras ' works .

  7. 杜拉斯在中国的文学接受和研究中具有特殊的地位。

    Duras has got a special place in Chinese literature acceptance and research .

  8. 杜拉斯小说创作中的自恋倾向

    The Narcissism Inclination of Duras ' Novels

  9. 当代中国双重视野下的杜拉斯

    Duras in Modern Chinese Dual - vision

  10. 杜拉斯在中国文化中已是一种蕴涵着文学品位、情趣意味的文化意象。

    It is already a cultural imago with literature taste and sentiment in Chinese culture .

  11. 杜拉斯作品中的东方形象新论夏洛克人物新解

    A New Perspective on the Oriental Figures in Duras ' Works Shylock from a New Perspective

  12. 杜拉斯:诗化风格的女性实验小说家

    Duras : A Female Experimental Novelist in Poetic Style ; It 's so bad for the family

  13. 她的小说创作有着鲜明的杜拉斯式风格,即在叙事中蕴含着一种诗歌的力量。

    The creation of her novels are bright Duras-style , and it is containing one kind of poetic strength .

  14. 心灵底片的显影:杜拉斯《情人》艺术形式阐释

    The Developing of A Film Deep in The Heart : Explanation on The Artistic Style of Duras ′ The Lover

  15. 杜拉斯回到法国后,急切地寻找文化认同感,但是内心又对越南生活经历难以忘怀。

    She eagerly went back to France for the cultural identity , but painfully tortured by her unforgettable Vietnamese culture .

  16. 为了有效实现对空间经验的书写,杜拉斯运用了许多典型的空间化叙述策略。

    In order to effectively achieve the experience of space to write , Duras used lots of typical space narrative strategies .

  17. 第二部分从自由写作、真实与虚构、可读性与耐读性、语言与意义、图像与声音五个方面,概括杜拉斯小说创作的整体风貌&个性化的姿态,这是她区别于他人的重要标志。

    The second part sums up Duras 's global features of novel writing . These features are important symbol that distinguished her from other writers .

  18. 杜拉斯迷恋于自己构筑的幻象,就像儿童迷恋镜中自我的映像一样。

    Duras is stuck on the illusion which she builds up by herself , like the children are infatuated with the self-image in the mirror .

  19. 小说以酒精、木兰花作为塑造人物性格、推动情节发展、营造烘托气氛的道具,体现出杜拉斯沉郁、缓长、忧伤的文学风格。

    By means of alcohol and magnolia as the main tools of description , Duras shows her melancholy , and her slow and sad literary style .

  20. 通过探询杜拉斯的作品与童年经历,发现童年对杜拉斯的创作有极其重要的意义。

    This paper has been found that childhood has extremely important meaning to Marguerite Duras 's creation through seek Duras 's works and her childhood experiences .

  21. 杜拉斯在后来的作品中主题有所改变,但这一时期作品的烦恼主题可以说奠定了作家一生创作的灰色基调,同时也开启了杜拉斯创作生涯的灰色主题的序幕。

    Duras altered the theme afterwards , but works in this period determined and established the gray hue for the writer 's entire life of writing .

  22. 其中包括杜拉斯在文本语言表现中的杜拉斯主义与在电影语言表现中的反电影语言表述。

    So the style called " the revolutionary-refusal art style " comes into being , including Durasien showed in her works and anti-film language showed in her .

  23. 杜拉斯将自己对孤独深刻而独特的的人生体验升华为人类普遍的生命体验,从而将生命与写作融为一体。

    Duras sublimated her own profound and unique life experience on loneliness to a universal human life experience . Thus her life and writing were integrated perfectly .

  24. 结语部分总结了上述四个层面探讨空间问题的可行性及运用空间批评理论解读杜拉斯文本中空间叙述问题的重要意义。

    The conclusion section summarizes the feasibility to explore space with these four dimensions and the signification of utilizing the space-critical theory to read " space narrative " problems of Duras ' text .

  25. 杜拉斯是个有着高度女性自觉意识的女性作家,她可谓立足女性、安于女性,进而书写女性,这种以女性身份、女性视角书写女性的立场让她更能畅所欲言、挥洒自如。

    With high female consciousness , Duras wrote from the standpoint of a woman who knew clearly what kind of life the woman had lived , which made her speak and write more freely .

  26. 本文试从自恋情结这个西方文化的心理机制为契机,深入杜拉斯的精神世界、艺术世界以及与此相关的生活经历,探究其创作中的自恋倾向。

    This paper , taking psychology mechanism of narcissism complex as the start point , probes into her inner world , art world and the related experience , explores her inclination of narcissism in the inditing .

  27. 从杜拉斯和虹影自传体小说中发现爱缺失的根源,进一步研究影响在作品跨国情人中的表现方式,分析特殊身份主人公孤独灵魂产生的原因。

    It is necessary to find the root of love lacking in the autobiographical novel of Duras and Hong Ying , make further study of its influence to the work and analyze the cause of lonely soul of special hero .

  28. 第一部分从杜拉斯的生活经历与文学创作的关系入手,论述杜拉斯的小说是她创造的一个心灵世界。

    In the first part , through an analysis of the relationship between Duras 's early life experience and literary creation , the author comes to the conclusion that Duras 's novels are nothing but " a world of the soul " .

  29. 本文通过对杜拉斯小说的整体风貌的宏观把握和文本世界的微观分析,尝试探讨杜拉斯小说的写作特色及其对女性写作的贡献。

    In this thesis , the author presents her personal global understanding of Duras 's styles and features as well as a micro-analysis of her textual world , and intends to approach her characteristics of novel writing and contribution to female writing .

  30. 杜拉斯的文本还强调了两性间无法用言语沟通的隔阂状态,爱和性的分离。这导致了传统浪漫性性话语让位给现代随意性性话语。

    Her texts also emphasized the gulf between the two sexes that can 't be covered by conversation , and the separation of love and sex , which led to the traditional Romantic sex discourse to give place to the Modern liberal sex discourse .