
  • 网络durango
  1. 他和几个伙伴一起办了一家自己的工厂,为盖世威(K-Swiss)和杜兰戈(Durango)等品牌生产鞋子和皮靴。

    He and several partners went out on their own , setting up a plant making shoes and leather boots for brands like K-Swiss and Durango .

  2. 他把它们用骡队运到附近的城镇,科罗拉多州的杜兰戈。

    He loaded them on teams of mules and sent them to the nearby town of Durango , Colorado .

  3. 古斯塔沃•赫南德兹医生说,该男童来自墨西哥北部的杜兰戈州。他一生下来就有肿块,且越长越大,后来覆盖了从腋窝到臀部整个身体的右半边。

    Dr. Gustavo Hernandez says the child from the northern state of Durango was born with a lump that eventually covered the right side of his body from his armpit to his hip .

  4. 事实上,人们相信他仍然藏身于他的出生地墨西哥锡那罗亚州的山区;或者邻州杜兰戈&据信他已经收买了那里的地方警察、市长和甚至该州州长。

    In fact , he is still believed to be hiding in the mountains of his native state , Sinaloa , or neighboring Durango , where he is reported to have local police officers , mayors and even the state governor on his payroll .