
  • 网络crystal glasses
  1. 服装设计师和水晶眼镜设计师在当下这么艰难的经济环境下生存艰难。

    Designer coats and crystal glasses can be hard sells in a tough economy .

  2. 水晶眼镜是装饰性与实用性相结合的产品,在光学、力学和保健等方面优于普通玻璃眼镜。

    But nowadays , there are more imitations in the market , processing technique is poor , people have many questions in making and buying crystal glasses .

  3. 在她的名牌口红、她的名师发型和她的水晶蓝隐形眼镜背后,崔茜卡有个了不起的脑子,这个脑子曾经为她拿过一个第一流的数学博士学位,加上一个天体物理学的博士学位。

    Behind her Channel lip gloss , her coupe sauvage and her crystal blue contact lenses lay a brain that had acquired for itself , in an earlier , abandoned phase of her life , a first class degree in mathematics and a doctorate in astrophysics .