
  • 网络Castleton
  1. 最近几天,他一直在为卡斯尔顿音乐节(CastletonFestival)进行排练。该音乐节在他的农场举行。

    In recent days , he had been rehearsing for the Castleton Festival , which takes place on his farm .

  2. 慈善事业的名誉干事是卡斯尔顿女士。

    The honorary secretary of the charity is lady castleton .

  3. 2009年离开爱乐乐团后,他在自己位于弗吉尼亚的农场里创办了专事古典音乐和歌剧的卡斯尔顿音乐节。

    After he left the Philharmonic in 2009 , Mr. Maazel set up the Castleton Festival , for classical music and opera , on the grounds of his farm in Virginia .