
  • 网络water bowl
  1. 宠物们则呆在主人的身边,有自己的垫子和水碗。

    Their dog has its own mat and water bowl beside their owner .

  2. 我看了一眼空空的水碗。

    I glanced at the empty water bowl .

  3. 每天喂两次猫粮,并确保它的水碗里总是加满水

    Give him dry food twice a day , And make sure his water bowl is always filled .

  4. 通过对水碗零件的工艺分析,完成了模具结构设计。

    Through the technical analysis of bowl part , the design of the die structure of the bowl was made .

  5. 在田间试验中每公顷使用10&15个梨小食心虫性信息素水碗诱捕器。

    10-15 water bowl traps baited with the synthetic sex pheromone of the oriental fruit moth per hectare were used in the field trials .

  6. 凤头鹦鹉喜欢抛一些东西,它们经常且一定会将它们的尾巴泡在它们储存一些湿东西的水碗里。

    Cockatoos like to throw things ; they often store and soak things in their water bowls ; and they must , of course , poop .

  7. 一个便宜的塑料模型或是木头建模工具,一个小的水碗,一些纸巾,一张特殊工作平台或是蜡纸工作台,和一些烘干架子。

    An inexpensive plastic or wood modeling tool , a small bowl of water , some paper towels , a formica or waxed paper working surface , and a simple drying rack are the essentials .

  8. 萨凡纳猫看到一只水碗也可能是一个挑战,因为有些萨凡纳猫会迅速地用前爪把舀碗里的水直到舀干。

    Presenting a water bowl to a Savannah may also prove a challenge , as some will promptly begin to bat all the water out of the bowl until it is empty using their front paws .

  9. 我们在墙角放了一个猫砂盆,周围是一圈平台,那就是她的小圈,我们只需要弄一个饲料槽,她长大以后就该踢翻水碗了。

    We set up a cat litter box in the corner with a platform around it . That 's her pen . We just need to get a trough of some sort , for when she gets big enough to tip over her water bowl .

  10. 水烟筒呈碗状,有一根长管和烟嘴与水斗相连。

    A hookah is a bowl connected to a vase of water with a long tube and mouthpiece .

  11. 使用加湿器增加室内湿度,或者在暖气炉上放置一个装满水的隔热碗。

    Add moisture to indoor air with a humidifier . Or make a homemade one by putting a heatproof bowl filled with on top of a radiator or near a heating vent .

  12. 选出的人选将团结杯中的水或果汁倒入碗中。

    A selected person pours water or juice from the unity cup into a bowl .

  13. “得了命,自己挨着饿,却偷了东西来给主子吃,两日没得水,得了半碗水给主子喝,他自己喝马溺。”

    " He went hungry himself but stole food for his master ; and after two days without water , when he got half a bowl he gave it to his master and drank horse urine himself . "

  14. 食物和水的餐具:当你购买鹦鹉笼时,里面通常包含着普通的塑料食品碗和水碗。

    Food and Water Dishes : When you buy a parrot cage , ordinary plastic food and water bowls are usually included .