
sì bì
  • Four walls;the walls of a room
四壁 [sì bì]
  • [wall] 屋子的四面墙壁,泛指整个屋子

  • 四壁皆空

  • 这个书房四壁全是书

  1. 囚室的四壁不允许挂任何图片。

    No pictures were allowed to be hung on the walls of the prison cell .

  2. 这些精美的绘画使四壁生辉。

    Fine paintings graced the walls of the room .

  3. 房子四壁一旦支起来,就把顶篷放下来安好。

    Once the walls of the room are up , let in the ceiling .

  4. 酸腐蚀着容器的四壁。

    The acid has been eating away the sides of the container .

  5. 大山洞的四壁回响着他的喊声。

    The cavern walls echoed his cries .

  6. 结果:手用镍钛锉(ISO)虽有良好的弹性,但以四壁提拉方式预备根管时仍有明显拉直根管的趋势。

    RESULTS : Although nickel-titanium hand instruments ( ISO ) had good elasticity , they straightened the simulated canals obviously when using circumferential filing technique .

  7. 这天是他主办的“创伤记忆与自我恢复”(TraumaMemoryandRecoveryoftheSelf)研讨会的第三天,约30名研讨会参与者(均为创伤受害者或创伤治疗师)沿着房间的四壁围成一圈。

    It was the third day of his workshop , " Trauma Memory and Recovery of the Self , " and 30 or so workshop participants - all of them trauma victims or trauma therapists - lined the room 's perimeter .

  8. 但这部车的坐垫和四壁都是深红色的。

    But the car and cushion the walls are dark red .

  9. 室内,朋友们红光满面,那阴暗的四壁也似乎有了生气;

    Within , the faces of friends brightened the gloomy walls ;

  10. 他的画使得市政大厅四壁生辉。

    His paintings now grace the walls of the town hall .

  11. 艺术瓷砖,使您厨房四壁增辉。

    Art ceramic tiles add luster to the walls of your kitchen .

  12. 他们在房子的四壁抹上一层水泥。

    They surfaced the walls of the house with cement .

  13. 他的房间没有铺地毯,高高的四壁也没有挂图片。

    The lofty walls of his uncarpeted room were free from pictures .

  14. 新型涂料,令您新居四壁增辉。

    The modern paint adds luster to the walls of your new home .

  15. 他们住在纽约市中心一间四壁空空、阴暗惨淡的公寓里。

    They live in a bare , cheerless apartment in downtown New york .

  16. 椎间盘段椎管受四壁影响因素较大。

    The spinal canal at the intervertebral disc is often affected by its wall .

  17. 坑穴四壁是成阶地的。

    The walls of the craters are terraced .

  18. 人们和着圣诞歌的节奏手舞足蹈,声音震得餐厅的四壁阵阵发颤。

    The walls shook as hands and feet kept time to the Christmas carols .

  19. 他是在一间房顶很高、没有窗户的牢房里,四壁是亮晶晶的白色瓷砖。

    He was in a high-ceilinged windowless cell with walls of glittering white porcelain .

  20. 周一,大火致使一所密苏里州的老人精神疗养院空余四壁。

    Fire gutted a Missouri home for the elderly and mentally ill Monday morning .

  21. 房间四壁挂起白色绸幔。

    The walls were hung with white satin .

  22. 一看到监狱中令人郁闷的四壁我就害怕。3.

    I feel frightened at the sight of the grim walls of the prison .

  23. 机密得好像四壁全挂着偷听的耳朵。

    This was said confidentially as though all four walls had ears secretly listening in .

  24. 酸腐蚀着容器的四壁。套管内壁腐蚀电子检查仪

    The acid has been eating away the sides of the container . electronic casing caliper

  25. 四壁透明的容器中,放一对平行板,板间盛有液体。

    A cell with transparent walls contains the liquid between a pair of parallel plates .

  26. 阴暗的四壁看起来浮肿,带着纽约老房子的宿疾。

    The dark walls seemed swollen with the disease of old buildings in New York .

  27. 结实的挂锁、椅子、墙壁.房间四壁挂起白色绸幔。

    A substantial padlock , chair , wal The walls were hung with white satin .

  28. 这就是那个华丽无比的餐厅,那个装璜精美、四壁生辉、专供有钱人进餐的地方。

    Here was the splendid dining-chamber , all decorATEd and aglow , where the wealthy ATE .

  29. 四壁萧然,惟有一张复印的竞选讲话贴在一堵墙上。

    The walls of the room were bare except for a copy of an election adress .

  30. 一个家,并不仅仅只是一个徒有四壁有房顶的地方而已。

    Xxx , a home is not just a place with four walls under one roof .