
  • 网络ratite
  1. 因为奇异鸟是平胸鸟的一种。

    For the kiwi is a ratite .

  2. 用于过时的分类法中,包含所有的平胸鸟目。

    Used in former classifications to include all ratite bird orders .

  3. 平胸鸟目;产于新西兰最近灭绝的不会飞的鸟类。

    A ratite bird order : recently extinct flightless birds of New Zealand .

  4. 平胸鸟目之一;鸵鸟及与其有关的现已灭绝的鸟类;生活于洪积世以前。

    A ratite bird order : ostriches and related extinct birds ; known from the Pleistocene onward .

  5. 一种平胸鸟目;小眼睛长嘴且翅膀已退化的不会飞的鸟类几维。

    A ratite bird order : flightless ground birds having vestigial wings and long bills and small eyes : kiwis .

  6. 平胸类鸟目之一;食火鸡和鸸鹋。

    A ratite bird order : cassowaries and emus .

  7. 平胸类鸟目之一;介于鸵鸟与鸸鹋之间;近来灭绝的美洲鸵。

    A ratite bird order : birds intermediate in characteristics between ostriches and emus : recent and extinct rheas .