
  • 网络Spread Plate
  1. 采用化学法进行表面灭菌处理,运用平板涂布法及平板划线法从番茄茎内得到17株内生细菌。

    The surface of tomato stems were chemically disinfected and 17 strains of endogenetic bacteria were obtained from the stems by spread plate and streak plate methods .

  2. 用DAPI染色法对纯培养的菌株0503和0501进行染色并计数,结果显示,DAPI染色法计数结果与细胞计数板法和平板涂布法结果非常接近,DAPI染色的细菌背景突出,计数方便。

    We used DAPI method to calculate the biomass of strain of 0503 and 0501 , the results revealed that the calculating method of DAPI and cell counting chamber was almost the same . DAPI method was very clear in which the bateria can easily distincted from the background .

  3. 为了了解斑点叉尾鮰消化道内正常菌群结构,采用平板涂布法对斑点叉尾鮰(IctaluruspunctatusRafinsque)肠道中需氧和兼性厌氧菌进行了定量分析,并对分离菌株进行了分类鉴定。

    In order to find out the normal bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract of channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus Rafinsque ), aerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria were quantitatively analyzed using the spread-plate method , and the separate strains were classified .

  4. 霉菌孢子检测采用平板涂布法,最低能检测到每克菌种中有100个孢子。

    Fungal spores are detected by plate coating method to the limit of 100 spores per gram of strains .

  5. 进一步测定池水的水质情况,并用平板涂布法计算了其池水和肠道内的总菌数、总活菌数、总异养菌数和总弧菌数。

    Futher works were casted on water quality , total bacterial count , total viable count , total heterotrophic count and total vibrio count .

  6. 用未经处理的含酚焦化工业废水为基础配制培养基,采用平板涂布法,在10~(-5)稀释度下得到100个单菌落分离物。

    100 isolates were obtained from feed water solid media using spread-plate method with diluted activated sludge ( 10 - 5 dilution rate ) .

  7. 而平板涂布法的回收菌数低于平板浸润法,其标准差大于平板浸润法。

    The bacteria count recovered using plate smearing method was lower than that using plate infiltration method and the standard deviation was greater than that using plate infiltration method .

  8. 方法采样检验漳州市24个自然村48件土壤样品,用孟加拉红琼脂平板涂布法进行霉菌计数并分类鉴定。

    Methods 48 soil samples were collected from 24 natural villages in Zhangzhou and cultured in bengal rose agar plate , then the fungal count and species identification were carried out .

  9. 单纯用牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基结合平板涂布计数法测定好氧细菌数量,不能真实反映窖内好氧细菌的真实情况。

    Moreover , single use of beef extract peptone medium combined with spread plate count method to measure the quantity of aerobic bacteria could not reflect the real status of aerobic bacteria in pits .

  10. 细菌检测采用平板划线法、平板涂布法、液体培养和煮沸法快速提取DNAPCR扩增,通过人为控制,每种方法都能检测到一个最低限度。

    Bacteria are detected by means of streak plate , plate coating , and boiling as well as liquid culture for DNA PCR extraction . A limit can be reached with each method by manipulation .

  11. 结果表明,用酵母浸膏血琼脂替代巧克力琼脂培养淋球菌无统计学差异,淋球菌用平板浸润法接种比平板涂布法好。

    The results indicated that there was no statistical difference when yeast extract blood agar was used instead of chocolate agar for culturing gonococcus . Inoculation of gonococcus using plate infiltration method was better than that using plate smearing method .