
wěi tánɡ
  • reed pond;pond covered with reeds
苇塘 [wěi táng]
  • [reed pond] 生有大片芦苇的水塘

  1. 湿地各样地土壤理化性质存在显著差异,海堤防护林地、苇塘草地、大米草等滩涂的土壤理化性质均要优于对照地潮间海滩。

    Marsh soil physical and chemical properties differ prominently .

  2. 过了一会,又听得有个轻动的脚步声,在后面的苇塘里乱走。

    A moment later , I heard light footsteps threshing through a cove of reeds .

  3. 我便跳起来绕过柳树,走到后面的苇塘边下。

    I leaped up , circled the willows and emerged on the other side of the cove .

  4. 油房西矿区位于华北地台北缘,苇塘河断裂西部,具有良好的银多金属找矿前景。

    Youfangxi ore field is located in the north margin of north China platform and western of Weitang River'fracture , and have good foreground for exploring the Ag-polymetallic deposit .

  5. 敌人围剿那百顷大苇塘的时候,她们配合子弟兵作战,出入在那芦苇的海里。

    When the enemy attempted to " mop up " the marshlands , they worked in coordination with the army , slipping fearlessly in and out of the sea of reeds .

  6. 走进公园里面,其实并不显得拥挤,人们很快分散开来,各自在树林中,或是苇塘旁找到自己觉得舒适的地方。

    It was not crowed inside of the park . Soon , people scattered on some ideal places which might be in woods , on grassland or along the pool of reed .

  7. 站在上海的外滩,以浦江东望,只见昔日那片旧棚简屋,苇塘阡陌等浦东大地到处是气魄非凡的摩天大楼。

    Standing on the famous bund of shanghai and looking eastward across the huangpu river , one cannot but see clusters of magnificent high rise buildings in pudong , which used to be largely a rural area scattered with dilapidated old houses , fields of ways , puddles and pools .