
wěi jiānɡ
  • reed pulp
  1. QPaPP程序可使中性亚硫酸盐苇浆的白度达81%(d/o)。

    Neutro-sulfite reed pulp can be bleached to a high brightness of 81 % ( d / o ) with the Q-Pa-P-P procedure .

  2. 对过醋酸(PAC)漂白中性亚硫酸盐苇浆进行了实验研究。

    We investigate the bleaching of neutral sulfite reed pulp by peroxy acetic acid ( PAC ) .

  3. 采用HP两段漂白CMP苇浆

    Reed CMP Bleached with H-P Sequence

  4. 荻苇浆苛化白泥加工涂料CaCO3的特性研究

    The Properties of Coatings CaCO_3 Refined from Mud Obtained in Reed Pulping

  5. 用X射线衍射法和傅立叶变换红外光谱法(FTIR)进行SodaAQ法苇浆的强化氧气漂白机理研究。

    The mechanism of reinforced oxygen bleaching of Soda AQ reed pulp was investigated by means of FT IR and X ray diffraction analyses .

  6. Soda-AQ苇浆强化氧漂机理的研究

    The Mechanism of Reinforced Oxygen Bleaching of Soda AQ Reed Pulp

  7. 木聚糖酶在烧碱法苇浆ECF漂白中的应用

    Application of Xylanase in ECF Bleaching of Alkaline Reed Pulp

  8. 白腐菌处理前后苇浆CEH漂白废液中氯代酚类化合物的气相色谱&质谱分析

    GC-MS Analyses of Chlorinated Phenolic Compounds in Effluents from Reed CEH Bleaching

  9. 白腐菌对苇浆CEH漂白废水的脱色作用

    Decolorization of Reed Pulp Bleach Plant Effluents by White-rot Fungi

  10. 硫酸盐苇浆D/CEH漂白中最佳氯化方式的探讨

    Optimization of the Chlorination Stage of a D / CEH Bleaching Sequence for Reed Kraft Pulp

  11. 对KP苇浆和NaOH-AQ麦草浆进行了CEPH少氯漂白试验,对漂液中的氯化物含量进行了检测。

    CEpH bleaching of KP reed pulp and NaOH-AQ straw pulp with less chlorine was studied in this paper . The chloride content in bleaching effluent was tested .

  12. 采用发光细菌法对苇浆CEH三段漂白废水进行了毒性研究,其中C段废水的毒性最大,其EC50为17.39%,属于强毒级别;

    The toxicity of CEH bleaching effluents was studied with photobacteria . The toxicity of C stage was the strongest , its EC_ 50 was 17.39 % , belonging to the strongest toxicity level .

  13. Duoformer夹网纸机采用100%亚硫酸盐苇浆生产胶印书刊纸的实践

    The Experience of Producing Offset Paper with Sulfite Reed Pulp on a Duoformer Paper Machine

  14. BKP苇浆蒸煮黑液首先经厌氧和酸析木素处理,然后再与制浆中段水按工厂排放比例混合,混合废水经活性污泥法处理后,可达到国家标准排放。

    Black liquor after anaerobic treatment and acid precipitating of lignin could be mixed with washing and bleaching waste water based on the discharged ratio of the mill to discharge , the pollution load of the mixed effluent will meet the national regulation requirement after further treatment by active sludge .

  15. 苇浆对钙离子的吸附特性及影响因素研究

    Study on the adsorption of calcium ions on reed pulp fibers

  16. 酰胺类助剂对苇浆快速漂白的影响

    Effects of Amide Type Bleaching Additives on Fast Bleaching of Reed Pulp

  17. 亚铵苇浆次氯酸盐漂白添加氨基磺酸的试验

    Study on Using Sulphamic Acid in Hypochlorite Bleaching of NAS Reed Pulp

  18. 酸法苇浆胶印书刊纸的掉粉掉毛问题

    Discussion of Picking of Offset Printing Book Paper of Acid Reed Pulp

  19. 苇浆厂苇末的收集与利用

    Collection and Utilization of Reed Residue in Reed Pulp Plant

  20. 流化床气体净化装置在苇浆厂的应用

    Application of Fluidized Bed Technology of Gas Cleaning in a Pulp Mill

  21. 回用苇浆性能的变化规律及其机理

    The law and mechanism of changes in reed pulp properties during recycling

  22. 苇浆少污染漂白废水的毒性及毒性污染负荷

    Toxicity and Toxicity Discharge Load of Reed Pulp Less Pollutant Bleaching Effluent

  23. 亚硫酸氢镁法荻苇浆中的表皮细胞群在打浆时的分散情况

    Dispersion of Epithelial Cell Groups of Magnesium-base Sulfite Reed Pulps

  24. 中性亚硫酸盐苇浆过醋酸漂白的工艺条件

    Bleaching conditions of neutral sulfite reed pulp by peroxy-acetic acid

  25. 苇浆二次纤维强度性能改善的研究

    The Study of Improving the Properties of Recycled Reed Pulp

  26. 关于阳离子型聚丙烯酰胺在亚硫酸盐苇浆中助滤性能的研究

    Studying on the Role of Cationic Polyacrylamide as Dewatering Aid in Reed Pulp

  27. 纸浆絮聚检测技术在苇浆絮聚特性研究中的应用

    Study of Floc Characteristics of Reed Stock with the Pulp Flocculation Detecting Technique

  28. 漆酶/助剂体系降解苇浆残余木素的研究

    Degradation of Residual Lignin of Reed Kraft Pulp by Laccase and Mediator System

  29. 漂白硫酸盐苇浆制浆废水的处理

    Treatment of the Waste Water from a Mill Producing Bleached Kraft Reed Pulp

  30. 苇浆生物酶助漂生产实践

    Production Practice of Reed Pulp Bleaching with Biological Enzyme