
  • 网络Reed Warbler
  1. 黑眉苇莺繁殖期领域性行为的研究

    On Territorial Behaviour of Black-browed Reed Warbler in Breeding Period

  2. 大苇莺雏鸟的耐寒性及体温调节

    Cold-resistance and thermoregulation of nestlings of the eastern great reed warbler

  3. 以分布范围来看,远东苇莺可能性高很多。

    On range , Manchurian Reed is far the more likely .

  4. 稻田苇莺或远东苇莺其中一种。

    One of either Paddyfield Warbler A.agricola or Manchurian Reed Warbler A.tangorum .

  5. 双眉(黑眉)苇莺的次眉线宽度前后都一致。

    Black-browed has thick lateral crown stripe of even width throughout its length .

  6. 大苇莺种群繁殖生态初步研究

    The breeding ecology of great reed warbler

  7. 稻田苇莺和远东苇莺有著像鹪莺般的外型,短翅并且长尾。

    Paddyfield and Manchurain Reed have " prinia-like " shape , with short wings and quite long tail .

  8. 稻田苇莺不管任何年龄,下嘴前端应该是暗色的。我不认为稻田苇莺会这麽棕褐色,至少不会维持这麽久的时间。(编按:稻田苇莺的体色偏沙子般的黄白色,色调较冷)

    Paddyfield should have dark tip to the lower mandible at all ages . I don 't think Paddyfield can get this rufous , at least not for so long .