
  1. 任同祥先生对20世纪整个唢呐艺术的发展进步做出了突出贡献并且产生了深远的影响。

    Mr. Ren Tongxiang on the twentieth Century the suona art development and progress made outstanding contribution and has produced profound influence .

  2. 随着唢呐艺术的发展,在几代演奏家的努力和传承下,当今唢呐演奏已成为一门表演艺术,并纳入了各大音乐学院专业课程的行列。

    As suona development of the arts , the efforts of several generations of performers and heritage , the suona played today has become a performing arts into the ranks of the professional courses of the major Academy of Music .

  3. 论文包括四个方面:其一,主要表述胡海泉唢呐演奏艺术的形成基础。

    Four parts are included in the thesis : Charpter I focus on the basic of Suona horn performing art of Hu Haiquan .

  4. 湘西唢呐作为我国民间唢呐艺术的一个微小的组成部分,长久以来很少引起专业音乐从业者的注意。

    As a small part of Chinese folk Suona art , Xiangxi Suona rarely draws any attention from professional musicians for a long time .

  5. 唢呐不同流派的音乐风格向“音乐性精神”的“正向迁移”,应成为一种自觉的唢呐音乐艺术发展取向。

    The spirit of musicality is propitious to define the artistic aesthetics and value of different music style of Suona .
