
suǒ nà
  • suona horn, a woodwind instrument;surnay;surnai;suona horn
唢呐 [suǒ nà]
  • [surnay; suona horn] 管乐器,管身上面七孔,下面一孔。原流传于波斯、阿拉伯一带,金、元时传入中国

唢呐[suǒ nà]
  1. 论内心听觉的培养与唢呐演奏

    The Cultivation of the Inner Hearing and the Performance of Sona

  2. 我更爱唢呐,因为我喜欢它奇特的声音。

    I prefer the Suona because I like its unique sound .

  3. 唢呐是我国民族乐器中的一件吹管乐器。

    Suona is a wind instrument in our national instrument .

  4. 唢呐是我国众多民族乐器中双簧气鸣乐器中的一种。

    Suona is one of the double-reed aerophone in our national instruments .

  5. 唢呐初学阶段应注意的若干问题

    Some Problems at the Primary Stage of Learning the Suona

  6. 唢呐的声频谱和音管的计算

    Sound spectrum and calculation of the bore of Chinese Woodwind Instrument Suo-na

  7. 唢呐不同风格流派音乐向音乐性精神的正向迁移

    The Positive Guide of Musical Spirit of Different Schools of Suona Music

  8. 前言主要对湘西唢呐总的源流和概述。

    The introduction is mainly about the overview and origins of Xiangxi Suona .

  9. 梨乡唢呐乐班的田野考察

    Field Investigation of the Suona Ensemble in Pear Town

  10. 解决唢呐吹奏中的憋气问题

    To Solve The Problem Of Choking In Playing Suo'na

  11. 唢呐是典型的中国乐器吗?

    Is the suona a typical Chinese musical instrument ?

  12. 把握唢呐吹奏中声音的高位置

    The Higher Position of Voice in Playing Suo-na

  13. 另一种是以唢呐为主,加上一组打击乐器。

    Suona another is the main , together with a group of percussion instruments .

  14. 在吹奏乐器中,唢呐是主奏乐器,起着主导作用。

    Suona is the main musical instrument in it , it plays a leading role .

  15. 绪论部分简单介绍了唢呐的历史源流和在我国的发展情况。

    Introduction section briefly describes the origins and history of the suona developments in China .

  16. 来自武汉理工大学,爱好笛子,钢琴,唢呐等。

    From Wuhan science engineering course university , like to play flute , piano and suona etc.

  17. 措勤盆地唢呐湖组以陆湖泊相为主,划分为扇三角洲、滨湖相和浅湖相。

    The Cuoqin basin Suonahu Formation is lacustrine facies and been divided into fan-delta and shallow lagoon facies .

  18. 乡村唢呐班与乡村风俗礼仪互融研究&以苏北睢宁县为例

    Integrated Research on the Village Suona Group and the Village Custom-Suining County in North Jiangsu as an Example

  19. 唢呐不同流派的音乐风格向“音乐性精神”的“正向迁移”,应成为一种自觉的唢呐音乐艺术发展取向。

    The spirit of musicality is propitious to define the artistic aesthetics and value of different music style of Suona .

  20. 尤其是老一辈的唢呐教育家、演奏家,他们为了唢呐事业更是兢兢业业、呕心沥血。

    Especially the older generation of suona educator , performer , they are conscientious , painstaking to the cause of suona .

  21. 唢呐品种繁多,据史料记载,唢呐流行于全国各地20多个民族。

    Suona has numerous varieties , according to historical records , suona is popular among more than 20 peoples in our country .

  22. 任同祥先生对20世纪整个唢呐艺术的发展进步做出了突出贡献并且产生了深远的影响。

    Mr. Ren Tongxiang on the twentieth Century the suona art development and progress made outstanding contribution and has produced profound influence .

  23. 论文包括四个方面:其一,主要表述胡海泉唢呐演奏艺术的形成基础。

    Four parts are included in the thesis : Charpter I focus on the basic of Suona horn performing art of Hu Haiquan .

  24. 大场秧歌唢呐伴奏的多声部音乐中和声技法的巧妙运用。

    Secondly , the author has described the skillful utilization of harmonic techniques in Heterophony of the accompaniment of Suona in Dachang Yangge Dance .

  25. 湘西唢呐作为我国民间唢呐艺术的一个微小的组成部分,长久以来很少引起专业音乐从业者的注意。

    As a small part of Chinese folk Suona art , Xiangxi Suona rarely draws any attention from professional musicians for a long time .

  26. 掌握管子、唢呐和笛子的演奏技巧,学会了大量的河北吹歌器乐曲。

    He mastered the tube , suona and bamboo flute playing skills , and learned a large amount of instrumental music of Hebei Blowing Songs .

  27. 伴奏:柳腔的主要伴奏乐器是四胡和唢呐,用四胡给柳腔伴奏听起来格外悠扬婉转,唢呐是吹垛子用的。

    Accompaniment : the main accompaniment is four-stringed bowed instrument and so-na trumpet , the former is melodious and the latter is used in blown sub-stack .

  28. 但湘西唢呐和其它地区的唢呐一样,它的艺术价值是存在的,是不容忽视的。

    However , it is the same with other areas ' Suona , Xiangxi Suona has its own artistic value , which can not be ignored .

  29. 主要伴奏乐器除柳叶琴外,逐步增用了二胡、三弦、琵琶、扬琴以及笛、笙、唢呐等民族乐器。

    The major instruments include " liuyeqin " , erhu 、 sanxian 、 pipa 、 yangqin and some national instruments such as flute , sheng , suona and etc.

  30. 计算表明,唢呐声中基波主要由指孔辐射,而高次谐波主要由碗开口辐射。

    Calculatoins of bore show that the acoustic power is radiated mainly from finger holes for fundamental wave and mainly from the open end of bell for higher harmonics .
