
  • 网络Sikh;Sikhism
  1. 古鲁时期锡克教的演变及其原因(续)

    Development of Sikhism Under Its Gurus ( Continued )

  2. 他们用微妙的笔触来讲述了锡克教,一个信奉正直与协作的宗教。

    They described Sikhism , a religion that reveres honesty and collaboration , with nuanced writing .

  3. 城里有为数众多的锡克教教徒。

    The town has a sizeable Sikh population .

  4. 同理shorton(something)缺乏,缺少,短缺night-stand(床边带抽屉的)小桌床头柜guru古鲁(印度教或锡克教的宗教导师或领袖)专家;权威;大师

    relaxing at home , not prepared to go out in public don 't have enough of something a small table or cabinet on the right or left side of a bed , near the head a person who gives wise advice , typically a very old man ( sarcastic usage here )

  5. 或许我应补充一点:他是印度人,是个锡克教教徒。

    I might add that he is an Indian , a Sikh .

  6. 接着英迪拉又被自己的锡克教保镖开枪刺死。

    Then Indira was gunned down by her Sikh bodyguards .

  7. 相当大的城里有为数众多的锡克教教徒。

    sizeable noun The town has a sizeable Sikh population .

  8. 父亲是锡克教教徒,而母亲则是印度教徒。

    His father was a Sikh and his mother was a Hindu .

  9. 这使得她的生活发生了巨大变化,因为加入锡克教就意味着她可以让自己面部的毛发自由生长。

    It meant she would have to let her facial hair grow out .

  10. 排灯节也是锡克教和耆那教的传统。

    Diwali is a tradition in the Sikh and Jain religions as well .

  11. 他们认为一个锡克教的女孩挑战她的文化规范,跑去踢足球的故事能够吸引我。

    thinking the story of a Sikh girl challenging her cultural norms and playing football would appeal to me .

  12. 但在哈娜考尔16岁时,她决定受洗加入锡克教。

    But at the age of 16 , everything changed for Miss Kaur when she decided to be baptised as a Sikh .

  13. 锡克教是穆斯林信仰与印度教混合的宗教,简单和明确地用旁遮普语表达出来。

    The Sikh religion is an amalgam of the Muslim faith and Hinduism , simply and clearly expressed in the Panjabi language .

  14. 辛格先生发了锡克教的誓言,过纯洁的生活,不吸烟,不喝酒,不吃肉。

    Mr Singh has taken a sikn vow to lead a pure life , and not to drink , smoke or eat meat .

  15. 我们今生的行为是墨,我们今生的心灵是纸,我们把善与恶两种笔迹写在上面。《贾卜吉》(锡克教)

    In this life our actions are the ink and mind the paper , We inscribe on it the two writings of good and evil .

  16. 但在哈娜·考尔受洗成为一名锡克教徒之后,决定不再修剪自己的毛发,因为在锡克教中是禁止修剪毛发的。

    But Miss Kaur has now decided to stop cutting her hair after being baptised as a Sikh - a religion in which cutting body hair is forbidden .

  17. 韦德·迈克尔记录道,8月,杀死6人后在威斯康星州的锡克教神庙自杀的枪手是该组织的一个成员。

    Wade Michael page , the gunman who killed six people before killing himself at a Wisconsin Sikh temple in August , was a member of the group .

  18. 金庙是锡克教最神圣的殿堂,它位于印度西北部与巴基斯坦接壤的地方。这个美不胜收的地方最适合沉思信仰的魔力。

    The Golden Temple , Sikhism 's holiest shrine , is in northwestern India near the Pakistani border , and it is a delightful place to contemplate the draw of faith .

  19. 夜游泰姬陵曾是印度之旅中一个精彩浪漫的亮点,但在1984年,印度政府由于担心泰姬陵遭到反政府武装锡克教的袭击,下令禁止在夜间参观泰姬陵。

    Night visits to the Taj , once a romantic highlight of any visit to India , were banned in1984 amid fears that militant Sikhs battling the government would attack the shrine .

  20. 上议院被称为参议院,它拥有平等地分配给巴基斯坦的四个州的100个席位,还保留了一些席位给印度教、锡克教、基督教和一些其他人数较少的叫牌。

    The upper house is called the Senate which has100 seats equally distributed among the four provinces of Pakistan with reserved seats for Hindu , Sikh , Christian , and other minorities .

  21. 但在哈娜·考尔16岁时,她决定受洗加入锡克教。这使得她的生活发生了巨大变化,因为加入锡克教就意味着她可以让自己面部的毛发自由生长。

    But at the age of 16 , everything changed for Miss Kaur when she decided to be baptised as a Sikh . It meant she would have to let her facial hair grow out .

  22. 电影明星哈维尔·巴登被《绅士季刊》英国版选为“全球最具衣着品味男人”,紧随其后的是珠宝设计师兼演员瓦里斯·阿鲁瓦里亚和美国热播吸血鬼剧《真爱如血》的主演、瑞典影星亚历山大·斯卡斯加德。瓦里斯·阿鲁瓦里亚出生于印度,是锡克教教徒。

    Film star Javier Bardem was chosen by GQ 's British edition as its top best-dressed man internationally , followed by Indian-born Sikh jewelry designer and actor Waris Ahluwalia and Alexander Skarsgard , Swedish star of the hit US television vampire show " True Blood . "

  23. 不管是纽镇的小学,还是俄勒冈的购物中心,抑或威斯康星州的锡克教神庙,或是丹佛奥罗拉的影院,还有芝加哥的街头这些社区是我们的社区,这些孩子也是我们的孩子。

    Whether its an elementary school in Newtown , or a shopping mall in Oregon , or a temple in Wisconsin , or a movie theater in Aurora , or a street corner in Chicago & these neighborhoods are our neighborhoods , and these children are our children .