
  • 网络Xilin Gol;xilin gol League;xilinguolemeng
  1. 在系统的建设中采用面向对象分析与设计的思想,运用可视化标准建模语言UML对社会保险管理系统进行了建模,构建了锡林郭勒盟社会保险管理系统的框架模型。

    In the system used in the construction of object-oriented analysis and design ideas , use of visual UML Modeling Language standard for social insurance management system for the modeling , construction of the Xilin Gol League of social insurance management system in the framework model .

  2. 锡林郭勒盟境内风能资源丰富,风能分类区划指标显示全盟均为风能可利用区,适于开发大规模的风力发电厂。

    Xilin Gol League has the abundant wind energy resources , wind energy zoning classification show that wind energy are suitable for development of large-scale wind power plants .

  3. 该文以锡林郭勒盟为研究区域,运用2002、2003年的MODISNDVI数据对牧草长势进行了动态监测;

    This paper takes Xilingele League as its research area , conducts dynamic supervision on pasture growing situation by MODIS NDVI data of2002 & 2003 .

  4. 锡林郭勒盟草甸草原区、典型草原区、荒漠草原区和沙地植被区实测草地牧草产量与三种不同植被指数的相关性存在一定差别,其中EVI与草甸草原区的相关性最好;

    The grassland biomasses of meadow steppe , typical steppe , desert steppe and sand grassland have different correlations with three types of vegetation indices , EVI has the best correlation with meadow steppe ;

  5. 经过叠加计算得到锡林郭勒盟地区的生态风险等级图。

    Calculated after superposition of Xilin Gol League ecological risk rating chart .

  6. 内蒙古锡林郭勒盟倾力打造“中国马都”。

    Inner Mongolia 's Xilingol named'Capital of Horses ' .

  7. 锡林郭勒盟退化草地治理与提高草地畜牧业生产力的措施

    Grassland Degradation and Management Measures in China

  8. 不同因素对锡林郭勒盟草原退化影响程度研究

    Grassland Degradation of Different Factors on the Extent of the Impact Study of Xilin Gol

  9. 游牧生产方式与草畜利用关系初探&以内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟为例

    Relations Between Nomadic Production and Utilization of Pasture Resources & With Xilin Gole in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as an Example

  10. 内蒙古锡林郭勒盟多伦地区张家口组首次发现的碱性火山岩及其地质意义

    Discovery of Alkali Volcanic Rocks in the Zhangjiakou Formation of the Duolun Area , Inner Mongolia , and Its Geological Significance

  11. 本文主要以内蒙古牧区危害最大的自然灾害之一&雪灾为研究对象,选取锡林郭勒盟1962年、1977年、2000年三次特大雪灾,并选择典型的四个牧业旗作为研究区。

    Select three big snow disasters in 1962 , 1977 and 2000 , and select the typical four livestock counties as the research area .

  12. 城镇化进程中的牧区县域教育&以内蒙古锡林郭勒盟镶黄旗教育为例

    Education in Pasturing Areas in the Process of Urbanization & Take Education in the Bordered Yellow Banner , Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia for Example

  13. 以锡林郭勒盟为例进行分析的结果表明,本方法得到的整体及局部的误差估计均小于传统插值方法,并且在空间信息上表现出更为丰富的空间变异信息。

    A case study in Xilin Gole league shows that this method could get a better result with the least prediction error and more abundant spatial information .

  14. 2002年和2003年在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟苏尼特右旗“冰草产业化生产技术试验示范基地”上进行了冰草生态生物学特性的动态研究。

    The study was conducted on the experimental demonstrative base for industrialized production technique of wheat grasses in west Sunite banner , Xilingol county , Inner Mongolia in2002 and2003 .

  15. 利用内蒙古锡林郭勒盟30年(1971&2000年)的气候整编资料,分析了沙尘暴发生日数的时空分布特征以及气候因子对沙尘暴发生日数的影响。

    The spatial and temporal characteristics of sand storm occurrence arestatistically analyzed based on the meteorological records in Xilingol league of InnerMongolia for30 years ( 1971 ~ 2000 ) .

  16. 2001年9月和2002年8、9月对内蒙古锡林郭勒盟几个小型盐湖的浮游生物群落特征进行了研究调查。

    During August 2001 to August - September 2002 , an investigation on the characteristics of community diversity of plankton was conducted at some shallow saline lakes in Inner Mongolia , China .

  17. 作为国家重要的绿色畜产品基地,锡林郭勒盟牧区基础设施供给总量不足,效率低下,已经成为制约着锡盟经济的发展和新牧区建设的重要障碍。

    As an important national base for the green animal , deficient supply of pastoral public infrastructure has become an important barrier during the economic development and the new pastoral reconstruction in Xilin Gol League .

  18. 小波分析结果表明,在年际尺度上,从1960到2007年锡林郭勒盟四个生态地理区的年降水量、年平均气温和年干燥度均存在明显的25-32年周期信号,形成正负相间的震荡中心。

    The wavelet analysis results showed that in the inter-annual scale , there was an obvious signal of the 25-32 year cycle of annual precipitation , annual average temperature and annual dryness in 4 eco-geographical zones from 1960 to 2007.3 .

  19. 本文分为五个部分:第一,对国内自然灾害状况和内蒙古自然灾害研究情况进行了分析,提出雪灾是制约锡林郭勒盟畜牧业发展的重要因素,而学术界有两种不同的观点和减灾措施。

    This article is divided into five parts : First , the theoretical study of domestic natural disasters and the situation of natural disasters of Inner Mongolia are analyzed , and snow disaster is restricted as the important factor for development of livestock husbandry .

  20. 锡林郭勒盟位于内蒙古自治区中部偏东,地处蒙古高原上,高原地表坦荡平整,起伏和缓,古剥蚀夷平面显著,风沙广布,古有瀚海之称。

    Xilin Gol League in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in central east of the alliance is located in the Mongolian Plateau , the plateau surface forthright integrity , gentle ups and downs , ancient planation surface erosion significant sand widespread , the ancient " desert ", said .