
chánɡ jiàn zhǒnɡ
  • common species
  1. 其中,优势种为符号蜉金龟Aphodiuscomma,占总捕获量的80.90%,常见种有7种,稀少种有18种。

    For the community of coprophagous scarabs in horse dung , the dominant species was Aphodius comma . It accounted for 80.90 % of the total individuals . The number of common species and rare species were 7 and 18 .

  2. 常见种38种,占总数的59.38%。

    There were 38 common species which occupied 59.38 % of the total species .

  3. 候鸟中常见种19种、一般种72种,少见及偶见的58种。

    Among migrant are 19 kinds of common species ; 72 kinds of general species ;

  4. 优势种和常见种的萌发主要有爆发型、过渡型、缓萌型和低萌型。

    A greater proportion of dominant species had intermediate and slow germination than rapid and low germination ;

  5. 优势种5种,常见种6种,偶见种28种。

    Species of birds are dominant species , 6 species are common species and 28 species are rare species .

  6. 其密度变幅为78~544.5个/m2;10种常见种均成聚集分布。

    Zoobenthos density ranged from 78 to 544.5 ind / m 2 , and 10 common species displayed accumulative distribution .

  7. 报告了二滩水库区的鸟类区系组成及其特点,各生境鸟类的优势种,常见种。

    The authors report the regional composition and characteristics as well as the dominant and common species of birds at different habitat in Ertan Reservoir Area .

  8. 并对33种鸟采用遇见频次指数法进行数量统计,其中优势种5种,常见种8种,稀有种20种。

    And the statistics of 33 species of birds , by means of meeting frequency index , show that there are 5 dominant species , 8 common species and 20 rare species .

  9. 但应用较为广泛的仍为荷花、睡莲等常见种,引进的部分园艺品种已开始得到重视并推广应用。

    But the wide range of application is still the lotus or other common kinds . The part of the introduction of gardening breed has started to get attention and widely applied .

  10. 常见种和偶见种种群属正常型生长类型,属年龄结构图第一和第二种类型的是稳定或有发展前途的。

    The populations of frequent and accidental species which belong to the normal type of growth and development and to the first and second type of age structure ( Fig. 1 : A , 1 : B ) are stable or developmental .

  11. 确定本室常用的20个STR基因座对常见10种动物的种属特异性。

    To evaluate species specificity of 20 STRs loci used in our lab.

  12. HPLC-MS同时检测减肥类保健食品中常见4种化学药物

    Simultaneous Determination of Four kinds of Chemical Drug in Slimming Foods by HPLC-Mass Spectrometry

  13. 方法应用APAAP和PCR法检测常见4种8型呼吸道病毒及CP、MP病原。

    METHODS A total of 779 patients were detected for four of kinds ( 8 types ) of respiratory tract virus and CP and MP by APAAP and PCR .

  14. 通过对常见11种病原真菌的平板对峙培养,结果表明,ST-87-14菌株具有较广的抑菌谱。

    Strain ST-87-14 showed significant and broad inhibition against 11 fungal phytopathogen .

  15. 对常见五种污染微生物抗辐射性的研究,未发现高抗性污染微生物的存在。

    We have not found resistance among the common microorganisms .

  16. 常见五种药掺伪剖析

    Analysis of Mixing Counterfeits into Five Traditional Chinese Medicine

  17. 常见四种阔叶材纤维形态和化学成分的研究

    Analysis on Several Kinds of Fast-growing Plants ' Fibre Configuration and Chemical Components

  18. 野生植物种222种,常见栽培种56种。

    Wild plant species : 222 kinds ; common cultivating species : 56 kinds .

  19. 常见牧草种传病害及预防

    Common pasturage seed dispersal diseases and its precaution

  20. 几个常见植物种水浸液对杉木叶绿体的影响

    Effects of the Aquatic Extractor of Some Common Plant Species on Chloroplast of Chinese Fir

  21. 近年来,福建南部海区一些网箱养殖石斑鱼常见一种流行性孢子虫病,病鱼主要表现为游动失常、厌食、消瘦。

    In recent years , some cultured groupers Epinephelus sp. in southern Fujian , China had suffered an Epidemical sporidiosis .

  22. 使用本软件时,用户可查阅常见48种元素的灵敏线光谱图及进行定性、定量分析。

    Users can find intelligent line spectrograms about 48 kinds of common elements , and make qualitive and quantitative analysis with this software .

  23. 将形态特征观察和酯酶表型分析结合起来,共鉴定出5种根结线虫,包括4种最常见的种和1个未定种。

    With the combination of morphological study and esterase phenotype analysis , five species were detected , including 4 most common species and an unidentified one .

  24. 例如,婆罗州达亚族村落透过观察常见鸟种、水平面上升和传统用来制药的植物流失等现象,来见证气候的变化。

    For example , Dayak villagers in Borneo see climate change in observations of bird species , rising water levels and the loss of plants traditionally used for medicine .

  25. 方法选择非随机化对照临床试验来比较城市社区常见四种慢性病应用双向转诊临床路径者与未应用者的院前时间。

    Methods A controlled non-randomized clinical test was used in evaluating length of prehospital of the application of dual referral clinical pathway for four kinds of common chronic diseases in urban communities .

  26. 制备可同时检测引起集约化养猪业常见4种传染病,病毒(猪流感病毒、口蹄疫病毒、猪伪狂犬病毒、猪蓝耳)的寡核苷酸芯片。

    An oligonucleotide microarray was developed to detect simultaneously four severe epidemic porcine viruses , including swine influenza virus ( SIV ), foot-and-mouth disease virus ( FMDV ), porcine pseudorabies virus ( PRV ) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus ( PRRSV ) .

  27. 本文以国内常见蚊种淡色库蚊和白纹伊蚊为研究对象,从它们生活史的两个不同阶段&幼虫期和成虫期着手,开展环保型蚊虫控制新技术的初步研究。

    The mosquito species that is targeted by this research are domestic mosquito species Culex pipiens pallens and Aedes albopictus . We emphasized on the larval and adult stages of their life cycle , and set out to exploit the potential sound environmentally technologies for mosquito control .

  28. 乳腺癌是这个国家妇女中最常见的一种癌症。

    Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in this country .

  29. 这个团队只对他们采集样品中最常见的三种包装塑料进行了分析。

    The team only analysed their samples for the three most commonly used packaging plastics .

  30. “五月病”是日本常见的一种轻微抑郁症。

    May Disease depression in Japan .