
chánɡ yònɡ mínɡ
  • common name;trivial name
  1. 例如,名为organizationalPerson的对象类所包含的属性定义了在组织内工作的人员(例如,职称、常用名、邮寄地址等等)。

    For example , an object class named organizationalPerson contains all the attributes that define a person working in an organization ( for example , title , common name , postal address , and so on ) .

  2. 在本例中,证书主题(特别是常用名)清楚地表明证书专门用于代理方法。

    In this example , the subject ( specifically the common name ) clearly indicates that this certificate is used as part of the proxy approach .

  3. 对于使用常用名的变量来说更是这样,例如i和tmp。

    This is especially true for variables with common names such as I and tmp .

  4. 除了能得到用来提供此地区的常用名的name属性之外,有时还会得到alternateName,它能提供地名的其他版本,包括其他语言的地名版本。

    In addition to the name property , which provides the prevalent , local name , you will sometimes also get alternateName , with other versions of the name , including versions in other languages .

  5. 常用名量词的语义特征及语用功能研究

    Researching of Semantic Features and Pragmatic Functions of Common Noun-measure Words

  6. 结果认为三七原产于广西,常用名为田七。

    Results Guangxi is the origin area of Panax notoginseng which was named Tianqi commonly .

  7. 在常用名列表中搜索其他天体是一样的;

    Try searching for some of the other objects in the popular name list in the same way ;

  8. 第一为本体研究,比较汉泰语名量词的总体特点,并对汉语常用名量词进行逐一分析。

    The first part is a research on the similarities and differences between Chinese and Thai commonly used quantifiers for nouns .

  9. 因为默认属性使您得以通过省略常用属性名使源代码更为精简,所以默认属性非常有用。

    Default properties are useful because they allow you to make your source code more compact by omitting frequently used property names .

  10. 德国登记官禁止用常用物名和地名给孩子取名,也不喜欢性别不甚明了的名字,比如基姆。

    German registrars prohibit the use of most nouns and place-names , and also frown upon any that do not clearly imply a gender : bad luck , Kim .

  11. 请使用你常用的邮件服务器名。

    Use the name of the email server you normally use .

  12. 常用中国推拿手法名英译探讨

    Studies on the English Translation of Commonly - used Nouns of Chinese Massage Manipulations

  13. 解析一下我的几个常用网名和英文名,方便大家了解我。

    Joey , my username in msn , which is also the English name I am using now .