
  • 网络Changshu Institute of Technology
  1. 日前,常熟理工学院一名女大学生坠楼身亡,而据死者家属表示,校方声称对这起自杀事件无责任。

    Changshu Institute of Technology has announced that it is not liable for the recent suicide of a female student , according to the family of the deceased girl .

  2. 高校文化产业管理专业新媒体技能培养的探索与实践&以常熟理工学院为例

    On the New Media Disciplinary Skills of Cultural Industry Management Program in Colleges and Universities : A Case Study of Changshu Institute of Technology

  3. 首先,建立了常熟理工学院IPv6试验床,试验床的路由器均是采用Linux加上Zebra路由软件模拟实现的。

    Therefore , several work carried on is as following : First , the testbed in ChangShu Institute of Technology is constructed , the routers of IPv6 testbed are all simulated with Linux and Zebra .

  4. 常熟理工学院网络教学系统的功能分析及存在问题

    On the Functions of the E-learning System and Its Existing Problems

  5. 产业集聚地高校应用型办学模式的比较与思考&以常熟理工学院服装营销专业方向为例

    A Comparison of and Thinking on Application-oriented College Education in Industry-intensive City : A Case Study of Garment Marketing at Changshu Institute of Technology

  6. 论高校青年教师教学行为偏差及其矫正&基于常熟理工学院的调查分析

    On Young Teachers ' Teaching Behavior Deviation and Rectification in Higher Learning Institutions : Research and Analysis in the Case of Changshu Institute of Technology

  7. 地方高校图书馆服务地方的优势、障碍与对策研究&以常熟理工学院为例

    Researches on Advantages , Barriers and Countermeasures in Providing Services by Libraries of Local College and Universities : A Case Study of Changshu Institute of Technology Library

  8. 考虑到从择业类高校学生入手研究职业自我概念更贴近实际,本研究遂采取分层取样的方法从常熟理工学院、苏州工艺美术职业技术学院、苏州农业职业技术学院抽取大学生958名。

    This research adopt mathematic investigation , taking 958 college student from the Science and engineering college of Changshu , the craft art occupation technical college of Suzhou , agriculture occupation technical college of Suzhou .

  9. 本研究结论为:(1)常熟理工学院高师生职业价值观维度重要性排序:威望、物质生活、贡献、人际关系、自我发展、家庭。

    The main results of this study were as followed : ( 1 ) The order of importance of dimensions of work values was given : power , materials life , contributions , interpersonal relationship , self-development , family .