
  • 网络Wuhan Institute of Technology
  1. 武汉工程大学本科教学质量现状分析

    On current teaching quality in Wuhan Institute of Technology

  2. 武汉工程大学环境与城市建设学院;

    School of Environment and Civil Engineering , Wuhan Institute of Technology ; 2 .

  3. 本文对武汉工程大学制药工艺设计课程的教学实践进行了初步总结,对制药工艺设计课程的改革进行了思考。

    Combining with the teaching and practice in the pharmaceutical technology design in the Wuhan Institute of Technology , this paper sums up the situation of reformation .

  4. 本研究以湖北教育学院、湖北经济学院、华中师范大学、中南财经政法大学、武汉工程大学、武汉商贸学院、孝感学院的学生和体育老师为研究对象。

    This study collected status from Hubei Institute of Education , Hubei Institute of Economy , Central China Normal University , Zhongnan University of Ecnomics and Law , Wuhan Engineering University , Wuhan Institute of Commerce and Trade , Xiaogan Institute .

  5. 介绍了武汉工程大学图书馆有关现刊记到的规定、参数设置、记到流程,指出了现刊记到中应注意的事项。

    This paper discusses on the regulations , parameter setup , registering processes of the registering of the present journals in the library of Wuhan Institute of Technology , and points out some matters needing attention in the registering of the present journals .

  6. 作者用三个月时间对武汉工程大学国际学院大一环境监测专业的两个班进行教学实践,将语境理论应用到英语阅读教学中。

    The systemic functional context theory is used in English reading instruction for freshmen in environmental monitoring classes in School of International Education of Wuhan Institute of Technology for three months . The author compares the experiment results between the control class and the experimental class .

  7. 电磁场发生器由武汉市海军工程大学研制,能生成场强为0~100mT的连续可调的50Hz正弦波电磁场。

    Magnetic field generator , which could generate EMF with 0 to 100 mT field strength and successive adjustable 50 Hz sinusoidal wave , was developed by Wuhan Naval University of Engineering .