
  • 网络Wuhan University of Science and Technology;wust;MBA
  1. 关于武汉科技大学历史沿革的研究

    Study of Historical Development of Wuhan University of Science and Technology

  2. 浅析武汉科技大学合并后统一图书分类的工作

    Analysis on the Unification of the Library Classification after the Amalgamation of Wuhan University of Science and Technology

  3. 第二章详细讨论了用Solidedge创建三维武汉科技大学硕士论文模型的方法和技巧;

    The second chapter detailedly explain how to use Solid Edge to create the three-dimensional parts models and the key technique and skills ;

  4. 武汉科技大学行政管理专业教学方法改革探讨

    Reform in teaching methodology for Program of Administrative Management in WUST

  5. 来自武汉科技大学,爱好笛子。

    From Wuhan Science and technique university , like to play bamboo flute .

  6. 人性化场所的建构&武汉科技大学黄家湖校区图书馆建筑设计

    Construction of Humanization Place - Design of the Library of Wuhan University of Science & Technology

  7. 我将在今年6月份毕业于武汉科技大学机械工程系。

    I will graduate this June from the Department of Mechanical Engineering , Wuhan University of Science and Technology .

  8. 调查对象为武汉科技大学中南分校国贸专业的两个班共56名学生。

    56 sophomores from two International Trade classes , Wuhan University of Science and Technology Zhongnan Branch , participated in the experiment .

  9. 为了提高出勤率,武汉科技大学的老师们不只从精神上鼓励学生,更是采用物质激励法。

    Rather than providing only moral encouragement , teachers at Wuhan University of Technology are offering tangible incentives to boost student attendance .

  10. 2001年,武汉科技大学在我公司设立科技成果产业化基地。

    In 2001 , Wuhan Science & Technology University set up a science and technology achievements in industrialization base in our company .

  11. 独立学院财经类人才培养模式新探&基于武汉科技大学中南分校成功素质教育思想的分析

    The New Culture Mode of Financial Talents in Independent College & Base on the analysis of Success Quality Education Thought of the Wuhan

  12. 就读于武汉科技大学信息工程专业的他回忆说:这种方式十分便捷,每月也只需还250元。

    It was easy and the monthly due was only 250 yuan , recalled the information engineering major at Wuhan University of Technology .

  13. 该文主要针对武汉科技大学研制的静电涂油机中油液雾化进行了雾化机理与试验研究。

    The mechanism and experimental research on oil atomization in electrostatic oiler made by Wuhan University of Science and Technology has been dealt with .

  14. 据报道,武汉科技大学的一名教授在去年就通过出售陶瓷涂层技术获得了200万美元的收益。

    A professor at Wuhan Institute of Technology in Hubei reportedly earned $ 2 million from selling ceramic coating technology to a company last year .

  15. 21岁的杨牟就读于武汉科技大学管理专业,考研时,他和女朋友报考了同一所学校。

    Yang Mou , a 21-year-old management major at Wuhan University of Science and Technology , applied for the same Shanghai graduate school as his girlfriend .

  16. 然而武汉科技大学心理学教授雷五明则认为,大学生不能因为恋爱可能告吹就对大学恋情避之不及。

    But Lei Wuming , professor of psychology at Wuhan University of Technology , says students should not avoid college relationships just because they may fail .

  17. 近日,武汉科技大学劳动经济研究所所长张智勇及其团队发布了这一关于职场行为与疲劳状况的调查报告。

    Zhang Zhiyong , director of the Institute of Labor Economics at the university , and his team recently released the survey on workplace behavior and fatigue .

  18. 高校课外活动基地建设刍议&武汉科技大学信息科学与工程学院学生计算机房建设实践的启示

    Thoughts on the Construction of College Extracurricular Activity Bases [ WT4HZ ] & With the Construction of Student Computer Room in the College of Information Science and Engineering Introduced

  19. 成功素质教育是武汉科技大学中南分校的教育理念,也是中南分校区别于其他高校最大的特色和亮点。

    Successful quality education is an educational notion of Wuhan Science and Technology University , Zhongnan Branch and a special character which differs from other institutions of higher education .

  20. 本论文以武汉科技大学冶金设备研究所轧机试验台为研究对象,采用嵌入式工业用控制器以及相关的组态软件成功开发了一套基于嵌入式轧机试验台的远程实时监控系统。

    Using the embedded industrial controllers as well as the related configuration software has developed a remote real-time monitoring system of rolling mill test-bed , which based on the embedded .

  21. 该公司主要运用虚拟股票期权形式,武汉科技大学硕士学位论文让人力资本所有者参与公司利润分配,以实现对公司经营管理人员和核心技术人员进行激励的目的;

    In order to give incentives to managers and chief technicians in the company , virtual stock options are designed to enable those human capital owners involved in the profit distribution .

  22. 根据武汉科技大学一团队进行的调查显示,我国超8成劳动者承受着一般或更高的精神压力和身体压力,身体处于过劳状态。

    More than 80 percent of Chinese employees are overworked and under mental and physical stress at an average or higher level , according to a survey by a team at Wuhan University of Science and Technology .

  23. 本文主要对武汉科技大学课题组研制的静电涂油机在工作中发生的喷涂缺陷进行了理论分析与实验研究,研究借助于图像识别技术。

    In this paper , theoretical analysis and experimental study on coating defects were carried on in electrostatic oiler which manufactured by team of Wuhan University of Science and Technology , the study was based on image recognition technology .

  24. 武汉科技大学普通化学试题库及综合测试评估管理系统是在中文操作系统汉字UCDOS6.0支持下,用FOXBASE+2.1设计和建立的。本文重点阐述该系统的主要设计思想、主要开发技术和主要功能设计。

    PHCTS system is designed and implemented in Foxbase + 2.1 with the support of Chinese operation system of UCDOS 6.0 . This paper has described the main design thought , development technology and design function of the very system .

  25. 本文是以武汉科技大学生产的静电涂油机为研究对象,在现有的理论基础之上,对液体在高压静电场和空气流场中雾化的微观机理做出解释。

    This paper is based on the electrostatic oiler produced by Wuhan University of science and technology as a research object , the microscopic mechanism of the atomization in the high voltage electrostatic field and the air flow field was explained .

  26. 本文结合武汉科技大学黄家湖枝区图书馆设计,分析讨论了人性化原则在图书馆总体布局、外部环境、内部功能以及生态理念等具体设计方面的实际应用。

    In this paper , with the design of the library of Wuhan University of Science & Technology as an example , how to apply the humanization theory to practice from based on layout , environment , function and ecology is analyzed , and discussed .

  27. 武汉科技大学中南分校的办学特色为成功素质教育实践模式,这种模式将促进学生的全面发展和个性发展紧密结合,强调理论教学与实践教学并重,将专业素质教育和非专业素质教育同步推进。

    It has a successful characteristics of the quality of educational practice model that will promote all-round development of students personality development and close integration , emphasizing theory and practice of teaching in both teaching , quality education and professional non-professional quality of education simultaneously .

  28. 应用B超技术对武汉科技大学校本部1076名在职职工进行腹部检查,主要检查肝、胆、脾、肾以及膀胱、前列腺、子宫、附件。

    B ultrasonic technology was employed to examine the abdomen of 1076 staff members of Wuhan University of Science and Technology ( Central Campus ), with liver , gallbladder , spleen , kidney , urinary bladder , prostata , uterus and adnexa being the focus of examination .

  29. 武汉科技大学高度重视大学生课外科技活动的开展,形成了一些好的做法,也取得了较为突出的成绩,蓬勃发展的实践迫切需要系统的理论进行指导。

    Wuhan University of Science and Technology attached great importance to students ' extra-curricular activities on science and technology , it has got a number of good practices and has also made much prominent achievements . However , Flourishing practice has an urgent need for systematic theory to guide .

  30. 然而武汉科技大学心理学教授雷五明则认为,大学生不能因为恋爱可能告吹就对大学恋情避之不及。他说:谈恋爱的目的不仅仅是为了结婚,也是为了学习如何与异性相处。

    But Lei Wuming , professor of psychology at Wuhan University of Technology , says students should not avoid college relationships just because they may fail . The purpose of being in a relationship is not merely getting married , but learning to communicate with people of the opposite sex .