
  • 网络Fujian Medical University;fjmu.edu.cn
  1. 调查受试者为福建医科大学的179名非英语专业学生。

    The survey was administered to 179 learners of English in Fujian Medical University .

  2. 福建医科大学附属协和医院住院儿童白血病初发病例资料分析

    Data analysis of newly diagnosed childhood leukemia from union hospital affiliated Fujian medical university

  3. 方法采用COPE量表调查福建医科大学低年级学生378人。

    Methods COPE scale was adopted to survey 378 junior and senior grades students in Fujian Medical College .

  4. 福建医科大学161名毕业生总体幸福感和应付方式

    General Well-being and Coping Style of 161 Medical Graduates

  5. 与世纪同步的新概念图书馆&福建医科大学图书馆工程设计拾零

    New Concept Library Go to the New Century

  6. 福建医科大学附属第一医院门诊空调设计

    The Air-conditioning Design of Comprehensive Clinic Building of the Hospital Attached to Fujian Medical University

  7. 单位:福建医科大学附属协和医院儿内科。

    SETTING : Department of Pediatric Internal Medicine , Union Hospital Affiliated to Fujian Medical University .

  8. 实验在福建医科大学解剖学与组织胚胎学实验室完成。

    The experiment was completed in Anatomic and Histological & Embryological Teaching Sections of Fujian Medical University .

  9. 第三章福建医科大学户外运动课野外实践教学风险管理。

    Chapter III the risk management of physical education and outdoor field practice teaching in Fujian Medical University .

  10. 立新而不破旧&福建医科大学附属第二医院改扩建工程设计方案

    Establishing the New but no Dilapidated & The Design Scheme of Fujian Medical University Second Subsidiary Hospital Reorganization and Expansion Engineering

  11. 地点、材料和干预:实验在福建医科大学附属协和医院鼠类动物实验室完成。

    SETTING , PARTICIPANTS and INTERVENTIONS : The experiment was finished in the Laboratory of Union Hospital , Fujian Medical University .

  12. 中国康复医学会心血管专业委员会挂靠在福建医科大学附属协和医院。

    The cardiovascular Committee of the Chinese Association of rehabilitation medicine is attached to the Affiliated Union Hospital of Fujian Medical university .

  13. 对福建医科大学附属第一医院门诊综合楼的空调设计做系统性介绍,并着重介绍了洁净手术部的空调设计。

    The air-conditioning design of comprehensive clinic building of the hospital attached to Fujian Medical University , and the air-conditioning design of clean operating department , are introduced in this paper .

  14. 本文以福建医科大学一年级两个班的71名学生为被试,他们被分为对照班(35名学生)和实验班(36名学生)。

    Classes of 71 freshmen from Fujian Medical University were selected as the subjects . They were divided into the control class ( 35 students ) and the experimental class ( 36 students ) .

  15. 中山医科大学附属第一医院产科优生优育研究动向福建医科大学附属第一医院2008年大肠埃希菌耐药性分析

    The Improving Birth Outcome and Child Development of Study on Obstetrics of the First Affiliated Hospital Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences Antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli in our hospital : an retrospective analysis in 2008

  16. 福建医科大学家庭经济困难学生资助工作调查他们中间有医生、学家、庭主妇、人,也有很多老师。

    Implementation of Financial Assistance to Students of Impoverished Families : A Case Study Made in Fujian Medical University There was a doctor , a research scientist , a homemaker , a businessman , and many teachers among them .

  17. 对福建医科大学5年来中外文图书捐赠工作进行回顾和分析,并就今后如何加强赠书工作和学校文献资源建设提出几点建议。

    Based on reviewing and analysing of 5 years ' Chinese and Foreign book donation work in Fujian Medical University , some suggestions had been put forward on how to strengthen the college 's book Donation service and literature resource construction .

  18. 肺癌病例来自福建医科大学附属第一医院、协和医院、福州总院。病例为经支气管镜、病理诊断确诊的肺癌新病例,配合调查,能清楚回答问题者,共400例。

    The 400 patients from The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical University , Fujian Union Hospital and Fuzhou General Hospital were newly diagnosed with primary lung cancer according to the bronchoscope and pathologic diagnoses and were able to cooperate with the interviewers .

  19. 门诊楼候诊空间设计浅谈&福建省医科大学附属协和医院门诊大楼设计随感

    A Discussion about the Design of the Clinic Building 's Waiting Space

  20. 本论文综合应用文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等研究方法。以福建师范大学、福州大学、福建医科大学、福建农林大学的共960名学生为研究对象。

    By the ways of literature , interview , questionnaire , statistics and logical analysis , 960 students were studied in Fujian Normal University , Fuzhou University , Fujian Medical University and Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University .