
  1. 裸小鼠在国内比较医学研究中的应用

    Application of Nude Mouse in Comparative Medicine Research in China

  2. 比较医学研究在医院全面发展中的地位和作用

    The role of comparative medicine in all-round development of hospital

  3. 用比较医学思想构建中医证候动物模型

    Take Comparable Medical Thought to Construct Animal model of TCM Syndrome

  4. 中国比较医学杂志目次索引2006年第16卷1~12期

    Chinese Journal of comparative medicine index of contents Vol.16 No.1 ~ 12,2006

  5. 比较医学的意义与动物福利的真谛

    Meaning of Comparative Medicine and Essence of Animal Welfare

  6. 《实验动物与比较医学》第25卷第1~4期总目次

    Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine Vol.25 No.1 ~ 4

  7. 药物安全性评价中毕格狗子宫组织病理学的比较医学意义

    The Significance of Comparative Medicine on Uterus Histopathology of Beagle Dog In Drug Safety Assessment

  8. 比较医学之比较

    The Comparison of Comparative Medicine COMPARE

  9. 展望了裸小鼠动物模型在比较医学应用中广阔前景。

    The expectations of future application of nude mouse models in comparative medicine were mentioned subsequently .

  10. 通过比较医学研究培养医学人才,可阐明疾病机制,提高诊疗水平,造福人类的健康事业。

    Comparative medicine is widely involved in training medical talents , elucidating disease mechanism , improving medicare level and benefiting human healthy services .

  11. 比较医学是通过实验动物来研究人类各种疾病,从而为保护和增进人类健康服务的综合性学科。

    Comparative medicine is a synthetical subject , to provide protection and improve healthy medicare of human being by studying all kinds of human diseases using laboratory animals .

  12. 用列联表卡方检验,以不同的专业进行分组,比较医学专业毕业实习生一般情况、艾滋病防治知识知晓水平、态度及行为状况、获取途径的差别。

    Using contingency table chi-square test , we compare medicine graduate interns in general according to different professional group on the following aspects : level of knowledge about AIDS , attitudes and behavior status .

  13. 比较医学研究表明,猪在心血管消化系统、皮肤结构、骨骼发育、营养需要、矿物质代谢等方面,与人类有较大的相似性。

    Comparative medicine has demonstrated that pigs share a lot of similarities with human beings in cardiovascular and digestive system , skin structure , bone development , nutritional demands as well as mineral metabolism .

  14. 因此,比较医学研究是医学发展的重要基础,是现代化医院医、教、研工作全面发展的重要组成部分。

    Therefore , comparative medicine research is an important foundation of medicine development , and indispensable supporting condition and organic compartment in all-round development of " medication , education and research " in modern comprehensive hospital .

  15. 分析了东西方医学体系中比较医学思想的特点及比较医学思想对中医证候动物模型研究的意义,探讨了用比较医学思想构建中医证候动物模型的方法

    It analyses the characteristics of comparable medical ( CM ) thoughts in the east and west medicines and the meaning of CM to the animal model of TCM syndrome , it also discusses the methods taken for CM to construct the animal model of TCM syndrome

  16. 对建立比较影像医学研究生课程的思考

    A thought on establishing the course of comparative imaging medicine for graduate students

  17. 目的:探讨中医肿瘤学及中医肿瘤科研的现状和发展思路方法:详细分析中医肿瘤的特点和优势:比较中西医学科研的特点、不足;

    Object The present and development pathway of the TCM oncology and research are discussed .

  18. 所有医学检验人员的调查数据与全国常模比较,医学检验人员的心理健康状况相对较好。

    Compared with the national model data , the mental health conditions of the medical checkers were comparatively good .

  19. 实践已经证明,它较以往的图像分割方法有较大改进,适用于比较适合医学图像的分割。

    Practices prove that this method has great improvement than former image segmentation methods and adapts to medical image segmentation .

  20. 目的:比较无医学指征剖宫产与阴道顺产对新生儿窒息发生的影响及分析无指征剖宫产新生儿窒息的原因。

    Objective : To compare the etiological influence on newborn asphyxia of cesarean section without medical indication to that of vaginal delivery .

  21. 军地医院经济运行机制改革比较研究医学伦理审查工作在我院的规范运行

    Comparable Research of Economic Operation System between Military Hospital and Local Hospital ; Medical ethical review is operating regularly in affiliated the second hospital

  22. .“有些手机使用者认为这种错觉比较像医学上所说的“幻肢痛”,韦氏字典解释说这是一种“经常感到已经被切除的肢体还存在并伴有疼痛的错觉。”

    Some users compare the feeling to a phantom limb , which Merriam-Webster 's medical dictionary defines as " an often painful sensation of the presence of a limb that has been amputated

  23. 有些手机使用者认为这种错觉比较像医学上所说的“幻肢痛”,韦氏字典解释说这是一种“经常感到已经被切除的肢体还存在并伴有疼痛的错觉。”

    Some users compare the feeling to a phantom limb , which Merriam-Webster 's medical dictionary defines as " an often painful sensation of the presence of a limb that has been amputated . "

  24. 作者就建立比较影像医学研究生课程的必要性以及如何建立比较影像医学课程进行了阐述。认为核医学与影像医学研究生在毕业前学习比较影像医学课程,对以后发展及创新很有价值。

    This article discussed the necessity and method of setting up a comparative imaging medicine course , which is considered to be valuable for the future development and creativity of graduate students majored in nuclear medicine and imaging medicine .

  25. 方法:选取3组不同类型的医学提问词,设计3个测试,比较UMLS对医学和通用搜索引擎及文献检索软件检出记录数的影响。

    Method : Selected three group of medical search terms that of different type ; designed three tests to reveal the effect of UMLS upon the output of medical , general , and documents search engine .

  26. 与国外医学伦理学教学模式比较,国内医学伦理学教学模式有待完善。

    Compared with its external counterpart , the internal medical ethics teaching model requires to be improved .

  27. 唐朝从中央到地方形成了比较完整的医学教育体系。

    The Tang Dynasty has formed a rather complete medical education system ranging from the central authority to local places .

  28. 搜集、比较、分析医学院校医用形态学的课程设置、教学大纲、教学进度、教学效果。

    The materials about course arrangement , teaching outline , teaching schedule and teaching effect were also done as above .

  29. 目的比较不同年级医学生心理健康状况,为针对性地开展心理健康教育工作提供基础资料。

    Objective To compare the state of mental health in different grade undergraduates and provide basic data for mental health education .

  30. 同时由于肝脏疾病比较多,医学界对肝脏可视化技术提出了迫切需求。

    Meanwhile , because there are a lot of liver diseases , so the medical profession threw out an urgent requirement for liver visualization .