
bǐ shī
  • specific humidity
比湿[bǐ shī]
  1. 在岸上水体影响接近指数律减小,水体对空气比湿影响消失的距离为:在上风岸不到4km,下风岸可超过20km;水体影响空气比湿的高度为200&400m。

    According to power rule on both shores , the air specific humidity approaches to that over land , within 4 km on the windward shore and beyond 20 km on the leeward shore , the top altitude where water body may affect air specific humidity is 200 & 400m .

  2. 空气比湿的改变主要发生在气流刚过水面的2&3km范围内;

    When airflow passes through water body , the change of air specific humidity mainly occurs within original 2 & 3km .

  3. 结果表明,以湿空气为自由基源物质时的NOx脱除效率比湿氧气低。

    The efficiency of NOx removal with moist air as radical source was lower than that with moist oxygen .

  4. 干腌24h均比湿腌24h的含盐量高,且差异显著(p<0.05);

    The salt concentration of dry-curing for 24h was higher ( p < 0.05 ) than wet-curing for the same time .

  5. 同化bogus涡旋的气压和比湿,能够调整模式初始场的其他变量,得到结构更清晰、与环境场更协调的初始涡旋,从而在一定程度上提高了台风Phanfone路径和强度预报的准确性。

    An initial vortex which has a clearer structure and is more consistent with the environment flow is obtained by assimilating the bogus specific humidity and pressure data .

  6. 同时同化bogus涡旋的风、气压、温度和比湿效果不如只同化气压和其中任一变量。

    Simultaneous assimilation of the bogus wind , pressure , temperature and specific humidity data has less positive impact than that of the bogus pressure and any one of other variables .

  7. 用HEIFE实验观测资料,给出了临近绿洲的荒漠大气比湿廓线的一些特性。

    The characteristics of specific humidity profile of atmosphere over desert near oasis , observed in HEIFE , are given .

  8. 陆地水体对周围空气比湿影响的初步研究

    Effects of inland water body on ambient air specific humidity

  9. 煤产生的热量比湿木材多得多。

    Coal is much calorific than green wood .

  10. 该地区的逆湿层可能与上述比湿锋区有关。

    The humidity inversion in the lower layer may be related to the specific humidity front over the areas .

  11. 结果表明:旋转床干床压降比湿床大;

    Results show : ( 1 ) The pressure drop of dry bed is higher than that of wet one .

  12. 在行星边界层,普适静力能比湿静力能大13J/g。

    The generalized static energy is 13 J / g larger than the moist static energy in the planetary boundary layer .

  13. 结果表明,旋转填料床的干床压降比湿床压降大。

    The results indicated that the dry bed shows a higher pressure drop than that of irrigated bed in rotating packed bed .

  14. 登陆时台风中心比湿值、等值线的梯度越大、移速的越慢,则降水时间越长、雨强越大,降水越集中。

    The bigger the gradient of the specific humidity field is , the slower the typhoons moves , and the longer and stronger the rainfall .

  15. 云量方案改进以后,对大气平均状态的模拟有了一定的改进,尤其是温度、位势高度、热带地区的垂直速度、以及比湿等的模拟有了较为明显的改进。

    Simulation of atmospheric mean state is improved obviously in many aspects , especially temperature , geopotential , vertical velocity in tropic , and specific humidity etc.

  16. 通过对数据的积累分析,得出如下结论:在配比及其他炼焦条件相同的情况下,干焦的反应性和反应后强度分别要比湿焦改善5%左右。

    It is concluded that CRI and CSR of the dry coke are improved by 5 % than those of the wet coke with the same coking conditions .

  17. 大气波导层往往伴随着位温随高度增加而快速增加以及大气中水汽比湿随高度增加而快速减小。

    Atmospheric duct layer is often accompanied by increase in temperature with height or the rapid increase in atmospheric water vapor specific humidity increases with height and decreases rapidly .

  18. 而存在模式误差时,四维变分资料同化后的模式初始场会偏离真实的比湿初始场,并且模式误差越大,偏离程度越严重。

    If there are model errors , the initial data after the 4D-VAR will deviate the true initial data of specify humidity , and the deviation as large as the model errors .

  19. 本文详细论述了空气的水汽部分压力、绝对湿度、相对湿度和比湿之间的关系,以澄清在高海拔外绝缘研究中在选用湿度参效上的模糊概念及错误。

    This paper presents the relationships bet-ween atmospheric pre-sure , temperature and humidity parameter , including partial pressure of water vapor , absolute humidity , relative humidity as well as humidity ratio .

  20. 本文利用行星边界层二维定常数值模式研究了绿洲冷岛的温度、水平风速、涡旋系数和比湿的结构。

    The structures for temperature , horizontal wind , eddy coefficient and specific humidity in the oasis cold island have been studied by the steady-state numerical modeling of the planetary boundary layer .

  21. 采用线性拟合、相关和回归分析等方法,分析了哈尔滨市各层及各季的气温、风速、气压、比湿等气象要素的变化趋势及关系。

    Linear fit , correlation and regression analysis , analysis of each layer and the quarter Harbin temperature , wind speed , pressure , specific humidity and other meteorological factors and relationship trends .

  22. 在五天平均日均温13.6℃的情况下,死叶率比湿育秧减少15.7%~16.9%;

    When average dairy temperature of five days was 13.6 ℃, the rate of dead leaves of dry-raised seedlings was reduced by 15 . 7 % ~ 16.9 % than that of wet-raised seedlings .

  23. 与旬邑相比,玛曲零度层低,云底温度低、比湿小,为冷云过程。

    Comparing with Xunyi , the 0 ℃ level and temperature of cloud bottom was lower and the specific humidity is small in Maqu area . The mainly process of convective cloud is cold .

  24. 武汉上空出现整层比湿增长或中高层比湿增长可导致整层相对湿度明显增长,而且增长的幅度随高度递增;

    The specific humidity increase in the whole layer or in the middle-and upper-level can lead to the evident increase of the whole layer relative humidity over Wuhan , and the increasing degree increases with the height .

  25. 我认为大规模地测定树木样品中的钾、钙、镁含量用浸提法比湿灰化法既好、又快,而且简便。

    We consider that using the extracting method to determine on a large scale the contents of potassium , calcium and magnesium in tree samples seems much better , faster and simpler than using the wet ashing method .

  26. 季风爆发前,空气比湿较小,大气稳定,混合层顶高度较高,在对流层中存在一个明显的干层。

    Before monsoon onset , the humidity of air was relatively low , the atmosphere was stable and the ceiling height of the mixed layer was relatively high , which suggested an obvious dry layer existed in the middle troposphere .

  27. 冬季风速线性趋势系数以春季最大,秋季最小,夏季大于冬季。(3)哈尔滨市各层比湿以夏季为最大,冬季为最小,秋季大于春季。

    Coefficient of linear trend in winter wind speed maximum in spring and autumn minimum in summer than in winter . ( 3 ) Harbin , specific humidity levels in summer maximum , winter minimum and autumn than in spring .

  28. 西北东部区夏季降水与春、夏季比湿及水汽通量相关的分析,揭示影响该区夏季降水的水汽主要来自西风输送及中纬度西太平洋。

    The correlation of the rainfall of eastern northwest in summer and water vapor reveals that the rainfall is mainly from westerly vapor transportation and mid-latitude Pacific Ocean . meanwhile , it is relation to the vapor of the low-latitude Ocean .

  29. 采用比湿综合校正法计算了满拉工程各级电压设备耐受电压要求值及外绝缘配合成果,同时也证明比湿综合校正法在满拉工程应用的成功。

    It also has calculated the demanding values of withstanding voltage of all voltage levels equipment , and the results of outer insulation coordination . At the mean time , it proves the success of applying " humidity ratio " integrated emendation method in the Mania project .

  30. 讨论干工况风机盘管的热工计算问题,认为干工况下风机盘管的冷量比湿工况时冷量减少很多,在选型时应特别计算。

    Also analyzed the calculation problem of the dry condition air fan-coiling unit , and concluded that the cooling load of the dry condition air fan-coiling unit is lower than that of the wet condition , so a special calculation is needed when choosing an air fan-coiling unit .