
  • 网络literature;Comparative Literature
  1. 当时围绕pauldeman的法文系和比较文学系都受到英文系的支持。

    At that time , Paul de Man on the French literature and comparative literature department are subject to Department of English support .

  2. 我国比较文学研究现状

    The Present Condition of the Studies on Comparative Literature in China

  3. 关于比较文学研究的九个命题和三条建议

    Nine Theses and Three Suggestions concerning the Comparative Study of Literature

  4. 世界文学的命运与比较文学的前景

    Fate of ″ World Literature ″ and Future of Comparative Literature

  5. 比较文学自诞生以来经历了三次危机。

    There have been three crises after establishment of comparative literature .

  6. 比较文学观念与中学语文教学

    The Sense of Comparative Literature and Chinese Teaching in Middle Schools

  7. 比较文学的普及性与精英性

    The " Popularity " and " Elitism " of Comparative Literature

  8. 比较文学教学与科研资源的共享与整合&一个被忽视的话题

    Sharing and Integration of Teaching and Study Resource of Comparative Literature

  9. 相当于今天的比较文学专业。

    Today , an equivalent degree would be in comparative literature .

  10. 多元文化背景下的比较文学中国学派

    The Chinese School of Comparative Literature in the Background of Multi-culture

  11. 比较文学可比性的再探讨&对比较文学学科理论的反思

    Re-exploration of Comparability in Comparative Literature & Rethingking of Comparative Literature Theory

  12. 比较文学平行研究功能模式新论

    New Outlook on Modes of Parallel Study in Comparative Literature

  13. 简论世界比较文学的发展

    A Survey of the Development of the World Comparative Literature

  14. 建构比较文学学科研究新范式

    The Construction of a New Paradigm of Comparative Literature Studies

  15. 中国比较文学百年史整体观

    A General Survey of Hundred Years ' Development of Chinese Comparative Literature

  16. 比较文学视阈下的四川民族文学教学与研究

    Comparative Literature 's Perspective of Nationality Literature Teaching and Research in Sichuan

  17. 比较文学概论课程教学的认知与思考

    Reflections on Teaching the Course of Introduction to Comparative Literature

  18. 比较文学学科基本理论的重构&与刘象愚先生商榷

    On reconstruction of the basic discipline of the comparative literature

  19. 全球语境中的比较文学:中国的视角

    Comparative Literature in a Global Context : a Chinese Perspective

  20. 比较文学的最高境界是世界文学阶段。

    The summit of comparative literature is the stage of world literature .

  21. 比较文学与21世纪人文精神

    Comparative Literature and the Humanistic Spirit of the 21st Century

  22. 比较文学视野观照下的莎士比亚研究

    On Studies of Shakespeare from the Perspective of Comparative Literature

  23. 中国题材日本文学史研究与比较文学的观念方法

    On Chinese Subjects in the History of Japanese Literature and Comparative Literature

  24. 比较文学学科理论的新辩证观念

    A New Dialectical Concept of the Theories of Comparative Literature

  25. 翻译学与比较文学:两个相切相重的学科

    Translation Studies and Comparative Literature , Two Closely Related Disciplines

  26. 同时,我们希望通过此项研究能为比较文学研究提供一个全新的视角。

    Meanwhile we hope to provide a new perspective to literature study .

  27. 对本科生比较文学教学现状的思考

    Thoughts on the Current Situation of Comparative Literature-teaching for Undergraduates

  28. 以比较文学与世界文学教学为平台,多样性进行爱国主义教育

    Multi - channel Patriotism Education by Teaching Comparative Literature and World Literature

  29. 克莱门茨首先从比较文学学科理论谈起,立论客观。

    Firstly , Clements discussed theory of comparative literature objectively .

  30. 比较文学的学理基础与学科建设

    A Further Study of Some Basic Theories of Comparative Literature