
  1. 试论张爱玲作品中ABB式形容词用法

    Analyse ABB adjective in Zhang Ailing 's writings

  2. 张爱玲创作中的没落贵族意识

    The ideology of the declining aristocrat in Zhang ai-ling 's works

  3. 论张爱玲现象的现代文学史意义

    On the Significance of ZhANG Ai-ling Phenomenon to Modern Literary History

  4. 译家张爱玲及其小说的翻译

    Eileen Chang as a Translator and the Translation of Her Fiction

  5. 论时空意识与张爱玲小说的艺术魅力

    On Space-time Consciousness and Artistic Charm of Eileen Chang 's Novels

  6. 凝重压抑与荒凉悲哀&曹禺、张爱玲家族情结之比较

    A Comparison between CAO Yu and ZHANG Ai-ling 's Family Complex

  7. 张爱玲与王安忆都有着鲜明的女性意识。

    Both Zhang Ailing and Wang Anyi have strong female awareness .

  8. 张爱玲的悲剧意识和悲剧文化心理

    On Zhang Ai-ling 's Tragedy Consciousness and Cultural Psychology of Tragedy

  9. 张爱玲神话背后的文化解码

    The Cultural Decoding of " Zhang Ai ling 's Myth "

  10. 论张爱玲的女性意识及其女性创作主题

    On Zhang Ai-ling 's Female Consciousness and Her Female Writing Themes

  11. 论张爱玲小说女性形象的世俗性

    The Earthliness of the Women Characters in Zhang Ai-ling 's Fiction

  12. 浅谈张爱玲的两部喜剧电影剧本

    A Brief talk On Zhang Ailing ′ s Two Comedies Screenplay

  13. 张爱玲小说的反闺秀现象

    The " Anti-elite " Phenomenon of Zhang Ai-ling 's Novels

  14. 物化苍凉&张爱玲意象技巧初探

    A Tentative Study on Zhang Ailing 's Techniques of Imagery

  15. 张爱玲王安忆上海小说中的怀旧母题

    The Nostalgic Theme in Shanghai Novels of Zhang Ailing and Wang Anyi

  16. 张爱玲女性意识的内省倾向

    The Self-examination in the Female-consciousness of Eileen Chang 's Works

  17. 张爱玲是一个具有强烈悲剧意识的作家。

    Zhang Ai ling is a write possessing very strong tragedy consciousness .

  18. 沉稳与苍凉&论张爱玲小说的人生主题

    Composed and Deserted & The Life Theme in Zhang Ailing 's Novels

  19. 张爱玲的女性意识,就在她的叙事中表现了出来。

    The female consciousness of Zhang Ailing is showed in her narration .

  20. 王安忆的《长恨歌》表现出与张爱玲小说的相似性。

    Changhengge by Wang Anyi shows similarities with Zhang Ailing 's novels .

  21. 坠网之中的逃脱&解读张爱玲作品的世俗性

    Escape from the Earthly Net : Secularity in Zhang Ailing 's Works

  22. 没有一样感情不是千疮百孔&简析张爱玲小说中的情爱世界

    Brief Analysis of Zhang Ailing 's World of Love in Her Novels

  23. 张爱玲的文学创作活动包含了丰富的广告内容。

    Zhang Ailing 's literature creation has contained the rich advertisement content .

  24. 张爱玲的散文表现出独特的女性书写,特别是对女性内心世界的描写和所处境况的认识尤为细腻深刻。

    Zhang AiLing 's prose exemplifies the unique feminine writing .

  25. 张爱玲家族小说的女性成长主题

    Subject of Female Growth in Zhang Ailing 's Clan Novels

  26. 张爱玲、王安忆叙述中的经济话题

    Economic Narration in Zhang Ai-ling and Wang An-yi ' Fictions

  27. 张爱玲和苏青的散文意象具有的感伤苍凉的特征。

    Their sentimental prose imagery has the characteristics of desolation .

  28. 论张爱玲小说创作中的音乐描写

    On the Musical Descriptions in ZHANG Ai-ling 's Novel Writing

  29. 张爱玲作品中的荒原意识

    The Analysis of the Sense of Desolation in Eileen Zhang 's Works

  30. 没有光的所在&张爱玲小说对现实人生的悲剧体验

    Tragic Experiences of Real Life in Zhang Ailing 's Novels