
  • 网络Zhangjiakou;zhangjiakou city
  1. 张家口市农业劳动力转移对三农的影响

    Study on Effects of Agricultural Labor Shifting to Farming , Countryside and Peasantry in Zhangjiakou City

  2. 在第三章中主要对张家口市马铃薯外部市场环境及内在发展状况进行研究比对,并在此基础上分析张家口市马铃薯产业发展中的问题。

    In the third chapter mainly to the external market environment and potatoes of zhangjiakou inner development status than research , and on the basis of analysis of the problems in the course of zhangjiakou potato industry .

  3. 借用中国加入WTO的国际大环境,指出了张家口市无公害蔬菜产业的商机。

    China 's joining into WTO has created opportunity for the pollution free vegetable development in Zhangjiakou city .

  4. 张家口市文化产业发展战略的SWOT分析及对策

    SWOT Analysis and Countermeasures of the Developing Strategy of Zhangjiakou Cultural Industry

  5. 主要为完善原有张家口市市区城市主干光缆网络,以满足新建模块局、大客户、3G基站的光缆接入需求。

    Mainly for improving the existing urban trunk cable network zhangjiakou city , in order to meet the new modeling Block bureau , big customers , 3G base station fiber-optic access requirements .

  6. 以河北省张家口市2002年的退耕还林地为研究对象,以高空间分辨率(以下简称高分辨率)遥感(Quick-bird-快鸟,分辨率0.6m)为信息载体。

    The land for the program of Conversion of Cropland to Forest in Zhangjiakou City of Hebei Province in 2002 was taken as research object and remote sensing ( Quickbird , resolution of 0.6 meter ) of high resolution as information carrier .

  7. 目的研究张家口市啮齿动物种类与分布。

    Objective To study species and distribution of rodents in Zhangjiakou .

  8. 张家口市住宅围护结构热工性能及能耗分析

    Thermal properties and energy analysis of residential building envelope in Zhangjiakou

  9. 张家口市农村公共文化服务体系的构建与发展

    Construction and Development of Rural Community Cultural Service System in Zhangjiakou

  10. 张家口市新区排水工程建设的几点体会

    On the Construction of Drainage Works in Zhangjiakou New Development Zone

  11. 张家口市农村蔬菜生产现状分析与对策

    Status Analysis and Countermeasures of the Vegetable Production in Zhangjiakou City

  12. 目的研究张家口市蚤的种类及其分布。

    Objective To study species and distribution of fleas in Zhangjiakou .

  13. 张家口市煤气管网防腐调研

    Anti - corrosion Surveys on the Gas Network in Zhangjiakou

  14. 张家口市居民家中尘螨调查

    Investigation of house dust mite in the resident of Zhangjiakou

  15. 张家口市既有采暖住宅围护结构节能改造策略

    Rebuilding Strategy of Building Envelop Energy Conservation for Existing Houses in Zhangjiakou

  16. 张家口市乳肉产业化战略研究

    Study on Strategies of Meat and Dairy Industrialization in Zhangjiakou

  17. 张家口市农村经济社会阶段性特征分析

    The Stage Characteristics of Rural Economic and Society in Zhangjiakou

  18. 北方农牧交错带不同土地利用对土壤养分的影响&以张家口市塞北管理区为例

    Effect of Different Land Use on Soil Nutrient in Northern Agriculture-pasturage Eco-zone

  19. 张家口市产业结构优化升级战略研究

    Study on Optimization and Upgrading Strategy of Zhangjiakou Industrial Structure

  20. 张家口市万全煤田煤层地下气化开发条件研究

    A Study on Coal Seam Underground Gasification in Wanquan Coalfield , Zhangjiakou City

  21. 闽台两岸产业对接研究张家口市与京津产业对接状况调研

    An Investigation and Study of Industrial Connection among Zhangjiakou , Beijing and Tianjin

  22. 张家口市电子政务信息资源整合系统的分析与设计研究

    The Analysis and Design of the E-government Information Resources Integration System in Zhangjiakou

  23. 河北省张家口市坝上农牧交错带区域生态研究

    Ecological Study of Agriculture-Pasture Transition Zone on Zhangjiakou Bashang Plateau in Hebei Province

  24. 浅谈张家口市生态基础设施建设

    Concerning Developments of the Ecological Infrastructure in Zhangjiakou

  25. 张家口市入出境水资源量变化及水质趋势与对策

    Change of Water Quantity and Tendency of Water Quality in Zhangjiakou City and Countermeasures

  26. 张家口市燃气市场分析与规划研究

    Research and Analysis of Town-gas Market in Zhangjiakou

  27. 张家口市粮饲兼用型玉米新品种筛选试验报告

    Experiment Report on Screening New Strains of Corn as Food and Feed in Zhangjiakou Area

  28. 张家口市啮齿动物区系研究

    Studies on Rodent Fauna in Zhangjiakou City

  29. 张家口市人口、资源、环境及可持续发展研究

    The Research on the Population , Natural Resources , Environment and Sustainability Development of Zhangjiakou

  30. 加强河北省农村公共文化服务体系建设研究&以张家口市为例

    On Strengthening the Construction of Public Culture Service System in Rural Area in Hebei Province