
lù diǎn
  • dew point;dew-point temperature
露点 [lù diǎn]
  • [dew point] 大气中的湿空气由于温度下降,使所含的水蒸气达到饱和状态而开始凝结时的温度

露点[lù diǎn]
  1. 露点湿度计可提供湿度的绝对量测值,因此它基本上是自动标定的

    Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating .

  2. 这些露点明星脚穿镶有饰钉的过膝长靴,下着黑色皮裤,赤裸上身,坐着摩托车沿着奥克兰市的中央大道“皇后街”巡游。

    The porn stars in studded knee-high boots , black leather pants and little else travelled in a convoy down the city 's main thoroughfare Queen Street .

  3. 当两辆原军用装甲车和摩托车载着20名露点女星和几个男人驶过大街,围在街道旁边的一群男人纷纷举起手机和摄像机拍照。

    A mostly male crowd wielding camera phones and video cameras massed along the street as two armoured ex-military vehicles and motorbikes carrying 20 topless women and a few men drove by .

  4. 在一些人眼中,斯诺克台球和网球也许是更为“文明”的运动,但一些裸奔爱好者声称在某些场合进行球类运动时你可以穿得更为暴露点。

    Snooker and tennis might be seen as some of the more " civilized " sports by some , but on several occasions streakers have proved that the ball-games could do with a bit more exposure .

  5. 我也一样说说我的期待我期待一场激烈的比赛好玩的广告可能还会走露点春光这就是我期待的

    Me too . Here 's is what I 'm hoping . I 'm hoping for a close game , some funny commercials , and maybe a few wardrobe malfunctions . That 's what I 'm hoping for .