
lù jǐ jīng
  • right whale;biscay right whale;nordcaper whale;black right whale
露脊鲸[lù jǐ jīng]
  1. 鲸目动物如露脊鲸的脂肪层可厚达50公分。

    Cetacean ( e.g. , right whale ) blubber can be over 50 cm thick .

  2. 两周以来,科学家们一直在跟踪一头北方露脊鲸并计划展开一项史无前例的拯救行动。

    For two weeks , scientists have been tracking the Northern Right Whale and planning the unprecedented rescue mission .

  3. 估计在加拿大和美国东海岸水域中大约仅存460头北大西洋露脊鲸(eubalaenaglacialis)了。

    Only around 460 North Atlantic right whales ( Eubalaena glacialis ) are thought to be swimming the waters off the eastern seaboard of Canada and the United States .

  4. 在该时间段内,共有122头露脊鲸、473头座头鲸(megapteranovaeangliae)、257头长须鲸(balaenopteraphysalus)和大量其他种类的鲸鱼死亡。

    During that time 122 right whales died , along with 473 humpbacks ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) , 257 fin whales ( Balaenoptera physalus ) and scores of whales of other species .

  5. 大约两周前,这条死去的南露脊鲸被冲到位于开普敦南部40公里处宁静的Kommetjie海滩上。

    The dead southern right whale washed up onto the quiet Kommetjie beach , 40 km ( 25 miles ) south of the country 's top tourist city nearly two weeks ago .

  6. 对北大西洋露脊鲸这类鲸目科动物来讲同样面临着这种新的致命危险。

    At new risk are cetaceans like the North Atlantic right whales .

  7. 有一张照片展示的是两只雄性露脊鲸交往甚密;

    One photograph shows two male right whales rub together .

  8. 作为露脊鲸食物的微小的甲壳动物。

    Minute crustaceans forming food for right whales .

  9. 人类活动仍在将露脊鲸这种最为濒危的海洋动物之一置于死地。

    Human activity is still killing right whales , one of the most endangered animals in the ocean .

  10. 在堂屋的远角里,有一间突出的昏黑的幽室…酒吧…粗具一只露脊鲸头的形状,就算它象个鲸头吧。

    Projecting from the further angle of the room stands a dark-looking den-the bar-a rude attempt at a right whale 's head .

  11. 用纤维须从水里获取食物的已濒临灭绝的座头鲸和露脊鲸最为危险。

    Endangered humpback and right whales , which use fibrous baleen to strain food from the water , are the most at risk .

  12. 北极露脊鲸是少数一整年待在北极的一种鲸鱼因为它们没有背鳍

    Bowhead whales are one of just a few whales that can live year-round in the Arctic because they have no dorsal fin .

  13. 一条雌露脊鲸游离阿根廷海岸,在众多热切追求者中选中一位。

    Swimming off the coast of Argentina , a female right whale singles out just one of the suitors that are hotly pursuing her .

  14. 是用一只露脊鲸的嘴巴的正中和顶部的一片片阔长的石板似的软黑骨块搭成的。

    consisting of the long , huge slabs of limber black bone taken from the middle and highest part of the jaws of the right-whale .

  15. 科学家们在研究加拿大东海岸的露脊鲸时发现,鲸通过海水发出巨大的声响以便自己的声音能被听到。

    Scientists studying right whales off Canada 's east coast have discovered that whales are sending louder calls through the water to make themselves heard .

  16. 兽医和其他一些相关拯救人员匆忙汇集新泽西,调查一头在长岛附近海域死去的壮年北方露脊鲸。他们希望通过解剖鲸鱼的尸体找到使鲸鱼镇定的线索。

    Veterinarians and others involved in the rescue rushed to New Jersey to examine a young Northern Right Whale found dead off Long Island hoping there would be clues to the sedation in an autopsy .

  17. 其他科学家在测量鲸的声音和背景噪音污染时发现露脊鲸已经失去了80%的正常交流区域,这会严重影响到早就受威胁的物种的生存。

    Other scientists measuring whale calls against background noise pollution have discovered that right whales have lost about eighty percent of their normal communication area . This could seriously affect survival of this already threatened species .