
lěng dòng
  • freeze;refrigeration
冷冻 [lěng dòng]
  • [freeze] 降低温度,使物体凝固、冻结

冷冻[lěng dòng]
  1. 这时可以把汤冷冻起来。

    You can freeze the soup at this stage

  2. 大多数新鲜的芳草都很适宜冷冻贮藏。

    Most fresh herbs will freeze successfully .

  3. 她的卵子已经采集下来,冷冻后以备她将来使用。

    She had her eggs harvested and frozen for her own future use .

  4. 维生素C的存在是冷冻食品里存在其他维生素和营养成分的很好说明。

    Vitamin C is a good marker for the presence of other vitamins and nutrients in frozen food .

  5. 我把一瓶香槟放进冷冻室。

    I put a bottle of champagne in the freezer compartment .

  6. 咖啡经冷冻干燥以保留原汁原味。

    The coffee is freeze-dried to seal in all the flavour .

  7. 将冷冻的肉卷放到抹了油的烤盘上。

    Place the frozen rolls on a greased baking tray .

  8. 冷冻不失为一种保存食物的好方法。

    Freezing isn 't a bad way of preserving food

  9. 冷冻鱼之前并不总是需要先把内脏掏空。

    It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing .

  10. 定期检查冰箱和冷冻柜的密封装置。

    Check seals on fridges and freezers regularly .

  11. 我已经给冷冻柜除过霜了。

    I 've defrosted the freezer

  12. 虾放养在清一色的长池子里,再送到附近的包装车间冷冻,最后用船运往北方。

    Shrimp are raised in long uniform ponds , frozen in the nearby packing plant and shipped north .

  13. 这种碗每次使用之后都需要重新冷冻,因此要做大份食物时需要很长时间。

    The bowl needs to be re-frozen after each use , so it takes a long time to make a large quantity

  14. 你可以使用新鲜或冷冻的肉。

    You can use fresh or frozen meat .

  15. 冷冻食品和新鲜食品不能相提并论。

    There is no comparison between frozen food and fresh food .

  16. 冷冻的农产品仍然是农产品;罐装的西红柿也仍然是西红柿。

    Frozen produce is still produce ; canned tomatoes are still tomatoes .

  17. 除此之外,你还应该开始了解冷冻食品和罐头食品。

    The other sections you should get to know are the frozen foods and the canned goods .

  18. 冷冻的橘子和苹果会便宜一点儿,而且水果对大脑真的有好处。

    " The frozen oranges and apples are a little cheaper , and fruits are really good for the brain . "

  19. 尽管冷冻晚餐是在40年代发明的,但直到大约10年后电视开始流行后才大受欢迎。

    Although frozen dinners were invented in the 40s , their popularity didn 't boom until televisions became popular a decade or so later .

  20. 准备果汁挺快、挺简单的,你可以在前一天晚上把冷冻的水果拿出来,为第二天早上做准备。

    Juices are quick and easy to prepare , you can take the frozen fruit out the night before and have it ready the next morning .

  21. 冷冻鱼不如新鲜鱼好吃。

    Frozen fish isn 't as tasty as the fresh one .

  22. 剥皮,放入塑料袋或容器中冷冻。

    Remove the skin and place them in plastic bags or containers and freeze .

  23. 为此,选择成熟的香蕉冷冻,因为它们更甜。

    For this purpose , select ripe bananas for freezing as they are much sweeter .

  24. 冷冻香蕉可保存几个星期,这取决于它们的成熟度和冷藏室的温度。

    Frozen bananas will last several weeks , depending on their ripeness and the temperature of the freezer .

  25. 如果你有榨汁机,你可以简单地吃一些冷冻香蕉和浆果或切片水果。

    If you have a juicer , you can simply feed in frozen bananas and some berries or sliced fruit .

  26. 和其他水果的鲜切片混合后,冷冻香蕉可以作为很好的打底来制作厚重、冰凉的水果奶昔和低脂“冰激淋”。

    When combined with berries of slices of other fruits , frozen bananas make an excellent base for thick , cooling fruit shakes and low fat " ice cream " .

  27. 这对于一个儿童聚会来说是一个有趣的活动;他们喜欢把水果和冷冻香蕉放进机器的顶部,然后看着下面的冰淇淋出来。

    This makes a fun activity for a children 's party ; they love feeding the fruit and frozen bananas into the top of the machine and watching the ice cream come out below .

  28. 售货员回复:“是要负责罐装的还是负责冷冻的副主管呢?”

    The clerk replies . " Canned or frozen ? "

  29. 水冷冻会结冰。

    Water will solidify into ice if you freeze it .

  30. 尸体将被移到一个冷冻间里

    The body will be removed into one of the cold storage chambers .