
lěnɡ miàn
  • cold noodles;impartial and incorruptible;stern-looking face;cold eye;poker face
冷面 [lěng miàn]
  • [stern;harsh] 形容态度严峻

  • 贵戚震惧,目为冷面寒铁。--《明史.周新传》

  1. 历届政府一直以来——或者说某些时候——都对新闻界冷面相待。

    Every government is ill-disposed to the press , all or some of the time

  2. 即使在他看上去很沮丧的时候,他也从没有丧失过自己的冷面幽默。

    Even when he appeared to be depressed , a dry sense of humour never deserted him

  3. 在帕迪利亚翻拍的影片中,由冷面CEO雷蒙德•塞拉斯(迈克尔•基顿饰演)领导的跨国公司OnmiCorp成为了美国头号军火商。

    Padilha 's remake is set in a world where multinational corporation OmniCorp , led by ruthless CEO Raymond Sellars ( Michael Keaton ) , has become the US military 's major contractor .

  4. SiO2/RVC复合隔热材料的隔热性能优于单纯RVC,同等热流密度条件下冷面温度比RVC低40℃,并且高温下的隔热优势更加明显。

    The thermal insulation properties of SiO2 / RVC is better than pure RVC , and high temperature insulation advantages become more pronounced .

  5. 将冷面汁(1)调匀,放进冰箱备用。

    Mix cold noodles sauce ( 1 ) ingredients and refrigerate .

  6. 这电影充满了埃伦那惯常的冷面幽默。

    The film is full of allen 's usual deadpan humour .

  7. 水平冷面上霜晶生长规律的实验研究

    Experimental study of frost crystal growth on a horizontal cold surface

  8. 冷面结霜初始形态的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of initial behavior of frost formed on a cold surface

  9. 被一个叫阿玛斯·波莱的冷面清教徒严密看管着

    where she was guarded by the unsmiling puritan , Amyas Paulet .

  10. 很多人是慢慢才喜欢上她的冷面幽默的。

    For many people , her dry humor is an acquired taste .

  11. 你点的冷面很不错。

    Those cold noodles you wanted to try were great .

  12. 影响朝鲜族冷面品质的原料因素研究

    Study on Material Factors Affecting Properties of Korean Cold Noodles

  13. 炉缸侧壁窜气使靠近冷面的电偶异常升温;

    Blow-by of hearth sidewall led to abnormal temperature rising near cold surface .

  14. 荞麦粉的添加率对朝鲜族冷面品质的影响

    Effect of the addition of buckwheat flour on the properties of Korean noodle

  15. Miller's报告牌子为冷面读书为演变理论的追随者。

    Miller 's report makes for grim reading for adherents of evolutionary theory .

  16. 中国女网冷面教练&余丽桥

    Cold-faced Coach in Chinese Women 's Tennis Team

  17. 他的冷面幽默似乎并非有意装出来的。

    His dry humor doesn 't seem intentional .

  18. 对冷面上水珠的冻结过程及其影响因素进行了实验研究。

    The freezing process of super-cooled drops on cold surfaces and its affecting factors were experimentally investigated .

  19. 一些人认为冷面笑话更难理解,这让它更具魅力。

    Some people find it harder to catch a deadpan humor , which makes it more charming .

  20. 圆孔型铜冷却壁冷面及热面热态特性研究

    Study on the hot characteristics of hot and cold sides of the copper cooling stave with circular channels

  21. 不管过去情况如何,该行业现在不可能再摆出一副冷面孔了。

    Whatever the truth of that in the past , the industry cannot afford to be stand-offish now .

  22. 在甩带厚度方向上,随着与激冷面距离的增大,In颗粒尺寸逐渐增大;

    The In particle size increases with increasing distance from the chilled surface along the thickness direction of Al-In ribbons .

  23. 我现在站在陌生人的麻酱冷面上,脚踝处还有碎蛋壳。

    Well , I 'm standing on a stranger 's cold sesame noodles with egg shells stuck to my ankles .

  24. 到北京后,当晚我就上街去吃了一碗朝鲜冷面。

    After getting to beijing , I went to street and ate a bowl cold one of Korea at that night .

  25. 推荐烤猪排、烤牛肉、冷面、石锅拌饭、刀削面等。

    My favorite dishes here include roast pork rib , roast beef , cold noodles , Bibimbap , and sliced noodles .

  26. 这种酱也会用来和小葱一起浇到清蒸鸡肉上,或是和焯过切碎的蔬菜拌冷面吃。

    This sauce can also beused to top poached chicken mixed with spring onions , or cold noodles mixedwith shredded blanched vegetable .

  27. 可通过选择面粉种类,改变加水量,添加添加剂等手段提高冻冷面团稳定性。

    The stability of frozen dough can solve by choosing flour type , changing water addition of dough and using of additives .

  28. 但世上若有谁对这一天早有准备,那便是这位曾任参议院多数党领袖的冷面天才林登约翰逊。

    But if anyone was prepared for this day , it was Johnson , once a ruthlessly talented majority leader of the Senate .

  29. 冷面温度越低,过冷水珠存续的时间越短,冻结温度也越低;

    The lower the surface temperature , the shorter the life time of the super-cooled water droplets and the lower the freezing temperature ;

  30. 结果表明:冷面温度或空气温度越低,过冷水珠存续时间越短,冻结粒径越小;

    The experimental results show that the supercooled water droplet life time and the frozen droplet diameter decrease with decreasing surface temperature or air temperature .