
lěnɡ dònɡ kù
  • freezer;refrigerated storage room
  1. 混合好的成品,接着送进冷冻库,等着冰淇淋变硬。

    The finished ice cream batch is then sent to a hardening freezer .

  2. 现在从冷冻库把肉拿出来,在晚餐前可以解冻。

    When you take the meat from the freezer now , it will be thawed out in time for supper .

  3. 用于特别的范围如冰冷,冷冻库,细菌培养器等。

    Special ranges for refrigerators , freezers , incubators , and ambient conditions .

  4. 你在念书?冷冻库专校

    You 're in college ? Refrigerator college .

  5. 冷冻库将水结成冰。

    The freezer turns water into ice .

  6. 有丰富的大型冷冻库设计、建造、安装实践经验。

    It also has rich practice experience of large freezer design , construction and installation .

  7. 不要将塑胶水瓶放入冷冻库。

    No water bottles in freezer .

  8. 后半部则是厨房,内有炉子、冷冻库、煎可丽饼的铁板,以及两个工作台。

    The kitchen with a stove , freezer cabinet , crepe griddle and two work tables was in the back of the redesigned bay .

  9. 本周,数以百计的装有种子的灰色盒子从叙利亚、墨西哥等地运至全球种子地库,藏于这个冷冻库之中。

    Here at the Global Vault , hundreds of gray boxes containing seeds from places ranging from Syria to Mexico were moved this week into a freezing vault to be placed in suspended animation .

  10. 论湖南地方畜禽种质资源冷冻保存库的建立

    Discussion about Establishing the Genetic Resource Bank for Local Farm Animal in Hunan Province

  11. 同时,从种牛选择,冻精制作与保存、选配方法、建立冷冻胚胎库等方面提出了具体技术措施。

    Meantime , the concrete measures were elicited for bull selection , making and preservation of frozen semen , mating methods and frozen embryo pool establishment etc.

  12. 对不同遗传背景小鼠的超数排卵效果和体外受精率进行比较研究,以探索建立不同遗传背景小鼠资源冷冻胚胎库的方法。

    To comparative studies on ova superovulated and in vitro fertilization in various genetic background mouse strains , and to explore avenue of establishing the embryo bank in individual mouse genotypes .

  13. 建立了野牦牛50头规模的可良性运作的遗传繁育基地,可年产2万支冷冻精液的动态保存库,以及0.1万~0.15万枚野牦牛冷冻胚胎动态保存库的条件与规模;

    Constructed the modernization breeding base where can conserve and utilize 50 wild yaks and built up 2 genetic resource banks , which can produce 20 thousand piece of frozen semen and 0.1 ~ 0.15 thousand piece of frozen embryo of wild yak .