
èr hú
  • erhu, a two-stringed bowed instrument with a lower register than jinghu;urheen;urhien;urhheen;urheen,urhien,urhheen;erhu
二胡 [èr hú]
  • [urheen,urhien,urhheen] 由两条相差五度,一头张在槌形小木筒上而另一头系在琴杆顶端弦轴上的丝弦构成的中国弓弦乐器

二胡[èr hú]
  1. GarageBand的用户现在可以使用新增的中式乐器来创作自己的个性化音乐,如琵琶、二胡和中式打击乐器等。

    Users of the GarageBand can now create their own customized sounds on newly-added Chinese instruments , including pipa , erhu and Chinese percussions .

  2. 当代文化视角下的二胡演奏艺术

    The Art of Playing Erhu under the Perspective of Contemporary Culture

  3. 从F调跨开第一步及其它&二胡入门路径新探

    From Key of F to Take the First Step and the Others & A New Way of Learning Er'hu 's Playing

  4. 袁部长可谓真是知音,他告诉Daniel这首二胡乐曲是来自电影《冰山上的来客》插曲。

    Minister Yuan knew the piece well and told Daniel that the music is the interlude song of the film Visitor on the Icy Mountain .

  5. 他一不小心把爷爷的二胡的外弦弄断了。

    He accidentally broke the outer string of grandpa 's urheen .

  6. 二胡移植、改编乐曲及其对二胡演奏艺术的影响

    The Impacts of Erhu Transplanting and Music Adaption on Erhu Arts

  7. 苏南现象与中国二胡艺术发展的四次超越&纪念刘天华先生诞辰110周年断想

    On Four Jumps in Developing of Chinese Erhu Art Phenomenon

  8. 高韶青是当代二胡发展的代表之一。

    George Gao is a contemporary the erhu development representatives .

  9. 他从8岁起就一直拉二胡。

    He has been playing the Erh Hu since he was eight .

  10. 二胡技术训练的方法与目的

    The Objective and Methods of Technique Training for Erhu Players

  11. 来自成都,爱好长笛和二胡,小提琴,吉他演奏。

    From chengdu , like to play flute and guitar .

  12. 浅论二胡与二胡艺术的民族性特征

    A Brief Discussion on the National Characteristics of Erhu and Erhu Art

  13. 来自太原,爱好长笛,二胡演奏。

    From taiyuan , like to play flute and erhu .

  14. 她又问:“你们喜欢二胡吗?”

    She threw another question ," Do you like Erhu ?"

  15. 本文给出二胡共鸣器的特性。

    The acoustical characteristics of resonator on Erhu are presented in this paper .

  16. 与西方音乐文化碰撞中的专业二胡传统

    Professional Erhu Tradition in Collision with Western Musical Culture

  17. 二胡艺术与江南文化

    The Art of Erhu and the Culture of Jiangnan

  18. 对二胡结构的理性思考及建议

    Rational thinking and suggestion to the structure of erhu

  19. 我手中的二胡,也再一次担当起沟通、分享不同音乐、文化的桥梁。

    My Erhu served as a bridge again between different music and cultures .

  20. 二胡现在已成为中国最流行的乐器之一。

    Erhu now has become one of the most popular instruments in China .

  21. 和提姆的合作,让她开始寻思二胡的前景。

    The cooperation with Tim started her seeking the new prospect of Er-Hu .

  22. 论创造力在高师二胡教学中的运用

    Implementing Creativity in the Erhu Teaching of Normal Universities

  23. 论二胡演奏中的主体运动知觉

    On the Subject Aesthesia of Movement in Erhu Playing

  24. 关于二胡演奏中情感处理的几点思考

    On the Thought of Emotion Processing in Erhu Performance

  25. 二胡演奏中的音乐审美探析

    Discussion on the Music Aesthetics in Playing the Erhu

  26. 技巧与非技巧因素是二胡演奏的两个重要方面。

    Techniques and non-technique factors are two important aspects in playing the erhu .

  27. 二胡的确是我最喜欢的中国乐器。

    It 's really my favorite Chinese musical instrument .

  28. 《良宵》与《月夜》是其创作的具有“东方式的小夜曲”称号的两首二胡独奏曲。

    Nice night and Moon night are two oriental serenades composed by him .

  29. 有时候我们就坐下听她拉二胡。

    Sometimes we would sit and listen to her playing the Chinese fiddle .

  30. 二胡表演艺术中的情与音

    Emotion and Sound in the Performing Art of Erhu