
  • 网络Double Exponential Smoothing;Second exponential smoothing method
  1. 本文选用二次指数平滑法对安徽淮北地区的电力负荷进行预测。

    This paper , double exponential smoothing method is used in the load forecasting of power load forecasting of Huaibei rural areas .

  2. 二次指数平滑法中确定初始值的简便方法

    Simple Method of Determining the Initial Value in Secondary Exponential Smoothing Method

  3. 首先,通过比较分析,确定了选用布朗二次指数平滑法和灰色预测法两种单项预测方法。

    First , this thesis has selected the two individual forecasts ( exponential smoothing method and gray prediction method ) by comparing and analyzing .

  4. 同时,我们使用时间序列预测中的二次指数平滑法和三次指数平滑法对同一问题进行了研究并将各种方法预测的结果进行了比较。

    At the same time , the paper adopts exponent smoothness method in the same question , and compares the prediction results of different methods .

  5. 本文第四部分应用线性二次指数平滑法分别对十五时期我国纺织工业投资规模、投资结构进行预测并做出了分析。

    The fourth section mainly talks about the situation of the tenth five-year plan , forecasts investment amount , analyzes investment structure with mathematic method .

  6. 在利用二次指数平滑法建立趋势预测模型时,必须合理确定初始平滑值。

    When the secondary exponential smoothing is applied to a trend prediction model , its initial value has to be determined , which makes the process complex and time consuming .

  7. 对原有指数平滑法进行市场预测,在此基础上建立了二次指数平滑法的预测模型,进而提出了三次指数平滑法的预测模型。

    To make market prediction of former index , based on which build the prediction model of two dimension index and then bring about the prediction model of three dimension index .

  8. 之后,本文使用二次指数平滑法对锦州港煤炭吞吐量进行了预测,指出锦州港煤炭运输前景良好,发展势头强劲。

    After that , this paper use quadratic exponential smoothing method to Jinzhou port throughput of the prediction of coal , and points out that the Jinzhou port coal transportation prospect is good ; the result shows a strong momentum of development .

  9. 运用二次指数平滑法测定黑龙江省与发达地区投资乘数的预测值,并进行趋势比较分析,准确把握未来几年黑龙江省投资乘数的变动趋势;

    Using index smoothness method , it determines the predicting values of investment multiplier of Heilongjiang Province and developed region , compares and analyzes their trends , accurately holds the change trend of investment multiplier of Heilongjiang Province in a few years .

  10. 文章运用二次指数平滑法对单个指标进行未来两年的预测,再使用所构建预警模型对2007-2008年我国银行业系统性风险进行预警,得出结果为轻警状态。

    Then , the article uses the secondary exponential smoothing method to forecast the single indicator , then employs the early warning model to analyze the systemic risk of 2007-2008s , and gets the result that the sate of early warning for systemic risk is slight .