
èr yuán duì lì
  • binary opposition
  1. 红字中的二元对立华裔美国作家男性主体意识与女性主体意识的二元对立

    The Binary Opposition of Male and Female Subjectivity In Chinese American Literature

  2. 虚构和现实不再是谁依附于谁,高于谁的二元对立。

    The relation between fiction and reality is no longer binary opposition .

  3. 我们生活在一个二元对立的世界:昼和夜,正和负,男和女等等。

    We live in a world of duality , day and night , positive and negative , male and female , etc.

  4. 从二元对立到二元对话&Chomsky和Lakoff的语言观对比

    Rationalism and Empiricism from Duality to Dialogue & A Comparison between Chomsky 's and Lakoff 's views on Language

  5. 二元对立原则及其在文学批评中的运用

    The Principle of Binary Oppositions and Its Application to Literary Criticism

  6. 试论现代管理理论中的二元对立问题

    On the Problem of the Duality in the Modern Management Theories

  7. 关于文学翻译的二元对立与第三种状态

    On the Dual Conflict and the Third State of Literature Translation

  8. 教育研究范式:从二元对立到多元整合

    Educational Research Mode : from Dual Contradiction to Pluralistic Integration

  9. 学术与政治的二元对立及其理解历史的方式

    The Dual-opposition between Learning and Politics and the Ways of Understanding History

  10. 试析蒙古高原二元对立的政治格局

    The Preliminary Analyses on the Binary Opposition Political Pattern in Mongolia Platean

  11. 隐喻不能解构哲学与文学的二元对立

    Metaphor Cannot Deconstruct the Dualistic Antagonism between Philosophy and Literature

  12. 论文学史研究中的几组二元对立关系

    A Few Pairs of Dual Opposites in the Study of Literary History

  13. 二元对立中的欧洲认同&以19世纪欧洲文学艺术为例

    The Dialectic of European Identification as Exemplified in 19th-Century Literature and Art

  14. 《傲慢与偏见》中的二元对立及其叙事效果

    The Binary Oppositions in Pride and Prejudice and Narrative Effects

  15. 当然,那将会有一些来自二元对立性旧能量的挑战。

    Certainly there will be challenges of the old energies of duality .

  16. 古希腊神话:诗学与神学的二元对立

    Ancient Greek Mythology : Poetics and Theology as Two Opposites in Unity

  17. 论劳伦斯在《儿子与情人》中理智与情感的二元对立

    On Lawrence 's Dualism of Rationality and Sensuality in Sons and Lovers

  18. 超越传统与现代二元对立的文化思维模式

    On Transcending the Thinking Pattern of Cultural Dualism between Tradition and Modernity

  19. 论狄更斯自传体小说中的人物二元对立

    The Binary Opposition of Characters in Dickens 's Autobiographical Novels

  20. 中国传统城市结构的“二元对立统一律”

    The unity of opposites in china 's traditional urban structure

  21. 用二元对立模式描述翻译现象是翻译研究的常用方法。

    The binary opposition model is a common approach to describing translation phenomena .

  22. 论传统现实主义小说创作的二元对立叙事模式

    Dual-antagonistic Narrative Model of the Chinese Traditional Realistic Novels

  23. 而莱辛在其《金色笔记》中颠覆了它们之间的二元对立关系。

    In The Golden Notebook , Doris Lessing absolutely subverts this binary opposition .

  24. 第四章分析了社会属性和动物性(自然属性)之间的二元对立。

    Chapter Four analyzes the binary opposition of social property and animal instinct .

  25. 结构主义在二元对立的模式之上建构经典的叙事时间理论。

    Structuralism constitutes the classic theory of narrative time on a dual basis .

  26. 公共事务治理:从二元对立到多元化

    Governing Public Affairs : From Binary Oppositions to Polycentricity

  27. 许多人将继续选择活在二元对立性和冲突中。

    Many will continue to choose to live in duality and in conflict .

  28. 解构二元对立:后殖民视野中的《喜福会》

    Deconstructing the Antithesis : A Post-colonial Interpretation of The Joy Luck Club ;

  29. 第一章分析黑人社区内部性别二元对立的消解。

    Chapter One examines the dissolution of gender opposition within the black community .

  30. 软力量&乡村传播系统的二元对立结构

    S of t Power - the Binary Opposition Between Rural Communication Systems Structure