
  • 网络possible world
  1. 治疗结果显示H.反逻辑修辞中的可能世界

    Anti - H. Possible World in Rhetoric Disobeying Logic

  2. 可传递性公式KaKbp→Kap在可能世界语义学上的模糊性,也表明了这一点。

    This is also shown by the vagueness of KaKbp → Kap in possible world semantics .

  3. 这个问题起源于我们用可能世界语义学对dere模态的解释。

    This problem originated when we interpret de re modal with the possible worlds semantics .

  4. Leibniz在区分可能世界与真实世界时确实留有怀疑的余地。

    Leibniz did leave some room for doubt when he distinguished between possible and actual worlds .

  5. 目前在针对可能世界实例的聚合查询(相当于聚类)研究,主要涉及Top-k聚合算法,分别采用分枝定界、计算松弛降低计算复杂性。

    At present , instance aggregate queries ( equivalent to clustering ) studies , mainly related to Top-k aggregation algorithm , which used branch and bound , calculation relaxation to reduce computational complexity .

  6. 从必然性退却&波普的无逻辑可能世界

    K.Popper Falls into the Possible World without logic from the Necessity

  7. 可能世界、心理空间理论与语篇的意义建构

    Possible World , Mental Space and Text Meaning Construction

  8. 模态逻辑可能世界与情境

    The Possible World of and Situation in Model Logic

  9. 可能世界能否仅由命题构成?

    Can possible worlds be composed only by propositions ?

  10. 本文仅对可能世界理论中的跨界识别问题进行分析、探讨。

    In this paper , the question of trans-world identification will be discussed .

  11. 可能世界理论及其应用价值

    Possible World Theory and Its Value of Application

  12. 理想实验&可能世界的寻求

    The Experiment of Idealization-Construction for The Possible Worlds

  13. 论可能世界的名字

    On the Nominals of Possible Worlds

  14. 反逻辑修辞中的可能世界

    Possible World in Rhetoric Disobeying Logic

  15. 由于概念上的在先性,对可能世界的说明就不会有循环的可能。

    Because of conceptual priority , there is no possibility of circularity in demonstrating possible worlds .

  16. 这是个不可能世界。

    This never , never world .

  17. 利用独立属性集,避免遍历元组的可能世界。

    By using independent Attribute set , we can avoid traversing possible words of a tuples .

  18. 可能世界与心理空间

    Possible World and Mental Space

  19. 论真与可能世界

    On Truth and Possible World

  20. 原本平行运作的可能世界开始出轨,面临崩溃危机。

    Possible worlds start to diverge from their parallel paths , heading towards the collapse of all worlds .

  21. 这两种解释之间的不同反映出我们对于可能世界的认同标准之间的差异。

    The difference between the two kinds of explanations reflects the diversity of our judge principles of possible worlds .

  22. 这样的理论谬误,就是在现实世界与可能世界的冲突中确立起来的。

    The fallacies in this discourse were the result of conflict between the actual world and the possible world .

  23. 道德作为人类的精神活动,是对可能世界的一种把握,反映的是应然。

    As a spiritual activity of human beings , morality is the grasp of the world that reflects its due .

  24. 但此证明依赖于两个假设,分别对应于问题(1)可能世界中是否允许包含逻辑矛盾?

    But the demonstration relies on two hypotheses : ( 1 ) can possible worlds be permitted to include logic contradiction ?

  25. 然而,尽管可能世界语义学能让我们更直观地理解模态逻辑表达式,但是依然衍生出许多问题。

    However , though the Possible World Semantics makes us understanding of modal expressions more intuitively , many problems emerge still .

  26. 语言也不必沦为匕首,受可能世界的差遣,刺向现实世界的胸膛。

    Language , too , need not be reduced to a weapon used by the possible world against the actual world .

  27. 再次,本文给出了对认知意义的阐明,这一阐明是基于可能世界概念与信念的整体论性质的。

    Thirdly , based on the notion of possible world and the holistic character of belief I provide a exposition of cognitive significance .

  28. 本文致力于研究定义在满足开放世界预设的可能世界集合上的命题的逻辑结构。

    This paper concentrates on the logical structure of the propositions defined on the set of possible worlds which satisfies Open World Assumption .

  29. 可能世界上并没有诸如自己意志这样的事情,但是无论怎样,我们总有关于自由意志的幻想。

    It maybe thAT we have no such thing as free will , but AT all events , we have the illusion of it .

  30. 据此,文章从两个主要的方面讨论了模态逻辑中的本质主义问题,即可能世界学说和本质主义方案。

    Accordingly , the dissertation discusses essentialism problems of modal logic in two main aspects , i.e. doctrine of possible worlds and scheme of essentialism .