
kě chóng fù xìng
  • repeatability
可重复性[kě chóng fù xìng]
  1. HLA中联邦执行的可重复性研究

    Research on repeatability of federation execution in the HLA

  2. 本文向您展示了如何利用Ant脚本和RationalApplicationDeveloper来获得灵活性、可重复性,及可维护性的好处。

    This article has shown you how to use Ant scripts with Rational Application Developer to gain the benefits of flexibility , repeatability , and maintainability .

  3. 速度编码电影MR评价心室每搏输出量的可重复性研究

    Reproducible study of ventricular function with velocity encoded cine MR

  4. 多层螺旋CT甲状腺体积测量的可重复性评价

    The reproducibility of thyroid gland volumetry using multi-slice spiral CT

  5. 肝癌的动态CT灌注成像具有可重复性

    Reproducibility of multi-slice CT perfusion imaging for liver cancer

  6. 分光测色计对3D比色板测色的可重复性研究

    Repeatability of color measurement of 3D shade guide with spectrophotometer

  7. WEBService以良好的互操作性、可重复性、灵活性高、造价低等优点,获得了巨大的成功。

    Web Service was a great success because of its good interoperability , repeatability , high flexibility and low cost .

  8. 关于PETRI网可重复性的充分必要条件的一个证明

    A proof for the necessary and sufficient condition of repetitiveness of Petri nets

  9. 结果表明:全血培养上清吸光度的测定同MTT比色法一样能够反映出淋巴细胞转化情况,该法在试验可重复性方面明显优于MTT法。

    The repeatability of the whole blood method is better than the MTT .

  10. 基于轻量级容器架构DAO层可重复性单元测试

    Repeatability Unit Testing about DAO Layer Based on Lightweight Container Architecture

  11. 该方法可重复性高,可以高效率、廉价制备大范围图案化氧化锌薄膜。二、以PS为模板利用热压印技术制备ZnO纳米点阵结构。

    This surface patterning method is high efficiency and low-cost to fabricate large-scale patterned ZnO film . 2 .

  12. “DNA”测试使用国际标准作为测试依据以保证试验结果的可重复性并允许与其他过滤器及其应用进行逐个比较。

    " DNA " tests using international standards provide results that are repeatable and allow " apple to apple " comparison with other filters and their applications .

  13. 认为NS应用于计算机网络课程进行辅助教学和辅助实验具有经济性、方便性、针对性和可重复性等优点。

    NS is economic , convenient , pertinence and repetitive in computer network teaching and experiment .

  14. 结论依据Cho/NAA分布伪彩-解剖叠加图测定脑肿瘤(Cho/NAA)max具有良好的可重复性。

    Conclusion According to color overlay map , there is good interobserver reproducibility in measuring ( Cho / NAA ) max.

  15. TDI速度图检测所得的数据有较好的可重复性。

    The data repeatability of TDI was better .

  16. DVD小机芯评价仪的精度、可靠性、稳定性、及可重复性很大程度上将取决于该伺服系统的性能好坏。

    Its precision , reliability , stability and repetition more lie on the performance of the servo system .

  17. 生产工艺对NTC热敏电阻粉料可重复性的影响

    Effect of Manufacturing Process on Reproducibility of Ceramic Powder for NTC Thermistor

  18. 比较基因组杂交技术用于分析染色体DNA水平的改变,能获得良好结果并具有可重复性,从而提供了一条肿瘤细胞遗传学研究的可行路径。

    CGH are applied to analyze DNA level changes of chromosome , can get good results and can be repeated well , it is an advisable way of tumor cellular genetic research .

  19. 结论MSCT是一种无创、准确、可重复性强的诊断先天性冠状动脉变异的重要手段。

    Conclusion MSCT is a noninvasive , accurate , repeated method for diagnosis of congenital coronary artery anomalies .

  20. 首先,建立了HPLC测定香丹注射液中指标成分香草醛和橙花叔醇的分析方法,结果表明该方法具有良好的准确性和可重复性,加样回收率符合要求。

    An HPLC assay was developed and validated for the analysis of vanillin and nerolidol and the results showed that the assay exhibited excellent specificity , repeatability and reproducibility .

  21. 推导出了最小子网和原Petri网之间的可重复性和有界性之间的关系,提出并证明一些相应的推论。

    The relationship of repeatability and boundedness between minimum subnets and the original Petri net model is deduced , and some corresponding reasonings are proposed and proved .

  22. 结论经肠壁穿刺逆行胰胆管注射牛黄胆酸钠成功诱发大鼠SAP,其模型操作简单、可重复性好。

    Conclusion Retrograde injection of 5 % sodium taurocholate into biliopancreatic duct through duodenal wall can establish a simple and reliable SAP model on rats .

  23. 规范了DNA、引物、Taq酶等试剂质量,以保证数据的稳定性和可重复性;

    In order to guarantee the stability and repeatability of data , standardize the reagent quality of DNA , primer , Taq et al .

  24. 结论CDFI作为一种经济、实用、准确、无创伤、可重复性的检查方法,是目前诊断阴囊疾患的首选方法。

    Conclusion CDFI is an inexpensive , practicable , reliable , and noninvasive method for diagnosing scrotal disease with reproducible results .

  25. 尾静脉穿刺置管补液,此法简单可靠,可重复性好,是一种比较理想的SAP模型制备方法。

    Tail vein catheterization rehydration , this method is simple and reliable , reproducible , is a more ideal model of SAP preparation methods . 2 .

  26. 性能确认PerformanceQualification(PQ)用文件确认安装连接好的设施、系统和设备以及相关系统,在经过批准的过程方法和产品标准基础上,可以有效并可重复性的运行。

    The documented verification that the facilities , systems and equipment , as connected together , can perform effectively and reproducibly , based on the approved process method and product specification .

  27. 采用可重复性好、受噪声影响小的电刺激方式诱发表面肌电信号(SEMG)。

    Electrically evoked SEMG signals which are high repeatability and little influenced by noise were adopted in the experiment .

  28. c-BN薄膜的生长过程和可重复性的研究

    Growth of c-BN Films and Growth Reproducibility

  29. 目的评价肺部不同密度小结节CT体积测量3种方法(固定阈值法、可变阈值法和部分容积法)的可重复性。

    Objective To evaluate the reproducibility of three different CT volume measurement methods including fixed threshold method ( FTM ), variable threshold method ( VTM ), and partial volume method ( PVM ) in pulmonary nodules with different densities .

  30. fMRI以其无创性、较高的空间、时间分辨率和良好的可重复性等优势,已成为目前进行脑科学研究的重要技术手段。

    FMRI has become an important technical means for brain connectivity research because of its non-invasive , high spatial and temporal resolution and good repeatedly .