
  • 网络Formal science
  1. 这两层含义是完整形式科学探究教学思想的组成部分。

    Both of these meanings are parts of the idea in its complete form .

  2. 宪政的实现离不开国家结构形式科学的设计和运行。

    It is impossible to carry out constitutional politics without the scientific design and operation of the form of state structure .

  3. 就立法阶段而言,美国对外贸易立法权的授予具有宪政基础,立法权的行使程序具有明确的法律依据,立法形式科学、内容完备。

    As far as the legislative stage , the grant of US Foreign Trade Law legislative power has the constitutional foundation . The exercise program of legislative power has a clear legal basis . The legislation form is advanced and the content is complete .

  4. 许多科学论文,即便不是大多数,都是以口头形式在科学会议上发表的。

    Many , if not most , scientific papers are presented orally at scientific meetings

  5. 科学与人文主义&论西方人文主义的三种形式从科学与人文主义间的关系谈人文理性的重建

    A Discussion on Rebuilding Humanist Rationality from the Relationship Between Science and Humanism

  6. 时尚品牌的传播是将艺术形式与科学方法结合在一起的信息组织工程。

    Fashion Brand Communication is an information organization which combines artistic forms with scientific methods .

  7. 全面性的概括[总的归纳]高级形式的科学概括

    Higher form of scientific generalization

  8. 科学隐喻:超逻辑形式的科学凝集&论科学隐喻的基本原则和表现形态

    Scientific Metaphor : Scientific Collect with Meta-logical Characters & on the Basic Principles and Modalities of Scientific Metaphor

  9. 希腊&西方的人文理想始终贯穿着自由的理念,其人文形式是科学和理性。

    The Greek-Occidental humanistic ideal has always been permeated with the principle of freedom and its humanistic forms , science and reason .

  10. 核数据在军事、科研和生产中的应用越来越广泛,目前,国际上主要的核大国都在开展核数据评价工作,并且大部分数据都以国际合作的形式共享科学数据成果。

    Nuclear data are important and widely used in many fields such as the military , science research , and none-military applications .

  11. 逻辑主要是研究推理类型或形式的科学。不同的民族文化和历史背景中所孕育的逻辑,必定会有各自的特点。

    Logic , the study of the principles of reasoning , has its own different characteristics in different national cultures and historical backgrounds .

  12. 第三,从员工队伍的培养、多元化用工形式和科学构建考核体系等方面来加强队伍建设。

    Third , from the training , staff of the diversified employment forms and construct scientific assessment system to strengthen the team building .

  13. 前者意在认识世界、改造世界,它指向概念、逻辑,其最高表现形式是科学;

    The former mainly concerns concepts and logic , and is the basic means for people to get to know and transform the world .

  14. 方和他的同志们担心以为缺少西方形式的科学研究而因为谋杀而被遗弃。

    Fang and his fellow doubters worry that the lack of scientific research in the Western manner is letting traditional practitioners get away with murder .

  15. 使它走出困境的对策是:寻求新的零售形式,科学布局网点,开辟农村市场;

    To solve these problems , we seek the new retail patterns : to adjust the selling spots scientifically and to develop the countryside market ;

  16. 优化标准,移植法的优化性,表现在法律理念上的超前性、制度内容的合理性和法律形式的科学性。

    The standard of optimize , where showing as the advancement of legal conception , the reasonableness of system , and the science of legal form .

  17. 学科前沿知识的研讨、试生产和创新属于知识创新,其基本形式是科学发现和技术发明。

    Discussion of subject frontier knowledge , trial production and innovation belong to knowledge innovation , the basic form of which is scientific discovery and technological creation .

  18. 因此,应重视命题内容形式的科学选择,同时重视命题完善的配套体系,保证素质教育理念在中考语文命题中全面渗透。

    Therefore , Scientific choose of the Proposition style and the whole systemic Proposition should be valued , so as to guarantee quality-oriented education theory penetrated all-round in Chinese proposition .

  19. 如怎样造就统一标准的、高水平的师资,组织上的科学规划,还有教学内容和形式的科学规划,大规模展览的规划等等,内容详实、丰富。

    Such as how to train teachers , how to make the scientific programming in the organization as well as the teaching contents and forms , whose contents are rich and accurate .

  20. 科学美与艺术美都是美的高级形式,科学与艺术的综合美是科学美与艺术美结合后产生的一种特殊美。

    The scientific beauty and the artistic beauty are both the high forms of beauty . The synthetic beauty of science and art is a special beauty produced by the combination of the scientific beauty and the artistic beauty .

  21. 21世纪是知识经济的时代,人力资源的有效配置已显得尤为重要,劳务派遣以其特殊的用人形式,科学、合理的人力资源配置方式,正显示出勃勃生机。

    The 21st century is the era of knowledge economy , effective human resource configuration is very important , dispatching by its special form of choose and employ persons , scientific and reasonable allocation of human resources , is showing great vitality .

  22. 优化课堂教学通过精心组织教学知识体系,采用不同的教学组织形式,科学地帮助学生建构新的认知结构,以教师的主导下,使学生的主体作用得以充分发挥,培养学生的创业素质。

    Improving the classroom instruction through organizing the knowledge system of teaching meticulously and adopting different teaching establish the new knowledge structure scientifically . Under the teacher 's guide , the student can fully develop their initiative effect on themselves to train their quality of enterprise .

  23. 究其原因,乃是因为在明代,包装设计所根植的社会经济、生活状况,影响设计的思想观念和审美取向,以及决定包装最终物质形式的科学技术等因素,均发生了巨变。

    The reason is due to the packaging design of Ming Dynasty which is rooted in the socio-economic , living conditions . They affect the design ideas and aesthetic orientation , and determine the final physical form of packaging science and technology . These factors have changed dramatically .

  24. 首先系统梳理美国小学科学教育的发展历程,并分析在每一发展阶段国家相关法律法规和政策报告所起的推动作用,在这一过程中美国通过立法形式保障科学教育的顺利实施。

    Firstly , the article systematically combing the course of development of science education in America , and analysis the relevant state laws and regulations and policy in each stage , which played a promoting role , and by way of legislation to protect the implementation of science education .

  25. 有关推理和思维的规范或形式原理的科学。

    The science dealing with the criteria or formal principles of reasoning and thought .

  26. 权力/知识形式贯穿自然科学之中。

    Power / knowledge form penetrates nature science .

  27. 高级层次是社会意识形式,包括科学和意识形态两个方面。

    While the advanced layer is the form of social consciousness which includes science and ideology .

  28. 三是监狱危机的表现形式进行了科学分类。

    Third , the performance of the prison crisis in the form of a scientific classification .

  29. 科普基地作为一种重要的科普形式,在科学普及工作中发挥了不可替代的作用。

    Popular science base as an important form of science popularization work and it plays an irreplaceable role .

  30. 而社会科学的实证研究及其文本形式是效仿科学的文本及其话语范式。

    The empirical research and text forms used in sociology are emulations of scientific text and conversation paradigms .