
xínɡ shì xì tǒnɡ
  • formal system
  1. 描述了形式系统W与形式系统SW形式推理之间的关系。

    The relation of inference between the formal system w and the formal system SW is also described .

  2. 本文讨论了中介逻辑命题演算(MP)的形式系统。

    This paper deals with the formal system of propositional calculus of medium logic ( MP ) .

  3. 描述逻辑是一类知识表示的形式系统,并成为语义Web的逻辑基础。

    Description logics are a family of knowledge representation formalisms which become logical foundation of semantic Web .

  4. 保持n-形式系统的Lie对称群约化及应用

    Lie symmetry group reduction of the systems preserving n-form and Its Applications

  5. 辩证法原则在一个严格的形式系统即系统Z中得到一定程度的体现。

    Such principles of dialectical logic are represented , to a certain extent , in a formal system Z.

  6. 从语义学的角度观察,GIS系统为逻辑形式系统中的符号系统,而GIS语义可以理解为用GIS系统来表达的语义,即空间概念。

    Form the perspective of semantics , GIS is a symbolic system in the logistical formalism , and GIS semantics can be understood as spatial conception represented by the GIS .

  7. 一个新的意图后承形式系统L(m5c)

    A New Formal System of Intention Consequences L_ ( m5c )

  8. 本文设计了一个形式系统,它能实现合成逻辑TAC中合子的自动生成。

    [ 1,2 ] , this paper presents a formal system , which can implement automatic generation of combinators in TAC of combinatory logic .

  9. 还基于经典计算模型图灵(Turing)机和形式系统序列及其极限,提出了收敛无穷计算的模型,称为过程模式。

    A computation model , called procedure scheme , for convergent infinite computations was proposed , on the basis of classical Turing machine and formal theory sequences and their limits .

  10. 讨论了向量值一阶逻辑形式系统。

    A first order system of vector logic is studied .

  11. 虚拟界面是建筑空间形式系统的一部分,是对该系统的补充。

    Virtual Interface is an additional part of Architecture Space Formalized System .

  12. 提出了一种描述主体协作的形式系统。

    This dissertation presents a formal system of cooperation .

  13. 一个新的模糊谓词演算形式系统

    A new formal deductive system for fuzzy predicate calculus

  14. 接口自动机&一种用于组件组合的形式系统

    Interface Automata & A Formal System for Components Composition

  15. 一阶形式系统K~及其完备性

    First-order formal system k ~ and its completeness

  16. 该定理揭示了在一个相容形式系统中存在着不可判定的命题。

    This theorem reveals that there exist undecidable propositions in a consistent formal system .

  17. 形式系统的可靠性和完全性问题

    On Formal Systems ' Soundness and Completeness

  18. 中介模态逻辑&形式系统及语义

    Medium Modal Logic-Formal System and Semantics

  19. 斯科伦定理指出,任意一个形式系统,都存在可数多个语义解释方式。

    According to Skolem theorem , there exist several modes of semantic explanation for any formal system .

  20. 形式系统的不完全性

    Incompleteness of formal system

  21. 面向空间设计的理论模型来源于对空间形式系统所作的基础性研究。

    The Space-Oriented Design ( SOD ) is derived from the fundamental researches of Spatial Form System ( SFS ) .

  22. 在形式系统中提出照明设计需要运用光形整合设计、光色整合设计以及突出空间层次化设计三种基本方法。

    It proposes that lighting design should use three basic methods which are light-shape integration design , light-color integration and spatial-level design .

  23. 为了推动企业的安全文化建设,本文首次提出了安全文化形式系统的概念。

    This article first brings forward the term of " form system of safety culture ", to promote the building of safety culture .

  24. 本文发现了统一的充分条件保证可以使用极限判定方法,这一充分条件正是形式系统序列的良极限行为。

    We prove that the well limit behavior can be used to get sufficient conditions for an infinite object to be limit decidable .

  25. 审美客体主要包括形式系统和非形式系统,其中非形式系统是主导。

    Formal system and non-formal system are the major elements in translation aesthetic object , while the non-formal is the most important part .

  26. 一般地,如果一个协调的逻辑形式系统不是语法完全的,则它的任何协调的扩张系统也不是语法完全的。

    If a consistent logical formal system has no syntactic completeness , then any consistent extensions of this system have no syntactic completeness either .

  27. 三个子系统的研究目标、范围和要求是不同的,对于中小学教师而言,更应关注的是教学形式系统。教学形式系统可分为三个层级:最顶端为教学风格;

    Primary and secondary school teachers are supposed to pay more attention to the form system , which can be divided into three levels .

  28. 这一结果可以用于证明一阶逻辑形式系统和我们所提出的广义反驳方法的完备性。

    This result can be used to prove the completeness theorems of first order logic system and the universal refutation method proposed by us .

  29. 主要研究结果如下:(一)中国古典艺术散文英译的重点在于其非形式系统的美。

    The main results are listed as follows : 1 . The key point of translating CCAE is the beauty of non-formal system . 2 .

  30. 最终的结果表明模态逻辑形式系统的公理在这类特殊语义模型中基本都粗糙真有效。

    The conclusions show that the axioms of the formal reasoning system in modal logic are almost rough truth validity within the special Kripke model .