
xíng tài
  • form;morphology;shape;pattern;modality;conformation
形态 [xíng tài]
  • [form;shape;pattern] 事物的形式与状态

形态[xíng tài]
  1. 这是非常粗略简单的图式病毒形态。

    This is the virus in very crude simple diagrammatic form .

  2. 臭氧是一种非常活跃的氧气形态。

    Ozone is a highly reactive form of oxygen gas .

  3. 这种特殊形态的维生素D天然存在于母乳中。

    This special form of vitamin D is naturally present in breast milk

  4. 氟利昂有液态和气态两种形态。

    Freon exists both in liquid and gaseous states .

  5. 自然本身会创造出新的生命形态。

    Nature herself brings forth new forms of life

  6. 山谷经常以深峡谷的形态存在。

    Valleys often take the form of deep canyons

  7. 水、冰和蒸汽是形态不同的同一物质。

    Water , ice and steam are the same substance in different forms .

  8. 物质以三种形态存在:固态、液态和气态。

    Matter exists in three states : solid , liquid and gas .

  9. 两只形态奇异的石狮子守卫着入口处。

    The two stone lions , of grotesque shape , guard the entrance .

  10. 富士山形态优美。

    Mt. Fuji has a graceful shape .

  11. 本文观察了初孵扬子鳄胃粘膜表面及胃腺的形态。

    This paper the morphology of gastric glands and mucous surface in the hatchlings of alligator sinensis .

  12. 铅笔中所谓的铅,并不是“铅”,而主要是一种不同形态的炭,称为石墨。

    The so-called " lead " in a pencil is not lead at all , but chiefly a different form of carbon called graphite .

  13. 研究人员发现,PM10和柴油颗粒物的存在降低了促进头发生长的蛋白质——连环蛋白的水平,阻碍了形态发生

    Researchers found the presence of PM10 and diesel particulate decreased levels of the protein responsible for hair growth – beta-catenin – and morphogenesis .

  14. 我们称之为质量的东西只是能量的另一种表现形态。

    What we call mass is only another manifestation of energy .

  15. 那个最佳形态成为下一个父代,带来其他变异

    That best form became the next parent , begetting other mutations .

  16. 随后基因材料把思想形态转录到肉体性,即形体。

    The genetic material then transcribes the thought-form into physicality , as form .

  17. 从犯罪形态来看,“杀害被绑架人”的立法属于包容加重犯

    The criminal pattern kidnapping and killing the kidnapped person is contained and aggravated crime legislatively .

  18. 但在诺如病毒或轮状病毒携带者的粪便样本中,科学家们发现了一种新的形态。

    But inside the stool samples of patients with either norovirus or rotavirus , scientists discovered something new .

  19. 叠叠乐游戏进行过程中积木塔的形态与当今许多建筑设计极为相似,叠叠乐式建筑一词由此而来。

    The Jenga tower 's mid-game resemblance to many of today 's building designs inspired the term Jengatecture .

  20. 至于不同地区的台湾山茶之间、或是茶与阿萨姆茶之间,皆无法以花粉形态来区分

    In contrast , C. sinensis var. sinensis and assamica couldn 't be distinguished by the morphology of pollens .

  21. 乱七八糟地是在由形态各异的人组成的游行队伍里,这倒真是件滑稽有趣的事

    There is something delightfully and liberatingly ludicrous about parading higgledy-piggledy in a line of walkers of all shapes and sizes .

  22. 形态发生是导致有机体成形的生物过程,是发育生物学的三个基本方面之一。

    Morphogenesis is the biological process that causes an organism to develop its shape . It is one of three fundamental aspects of developmental biology .

  23. 后来在生物课上,我学到这是由于一种叫变性的过程,就是蛋白质会改变形态,失去它们化学性功能。

    And later in biology class , I learned that it 's due to a process called denaturing , which is where the proteins will change shape and lose their ability to chemically function .

  24. 媒体将这种现象称之为“衙内经济”。衙内经济指政府官员子女利用其父母的权势和影响力进行经商活动的一种反常的经济形态。

    Media have called this phenomenon " the economy of high ranking officials ' children " , which refers to the abnormal2 economic pattern in which the sons and daughters of high-ranking officials take advantage of their parents ' power and influence to do business .

  25. 北京即将成为奥运历史上首座“双奥之城”,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会火炬整体外观与北京2008年奥运会开幕式主火炬塔的巨型卷轴形态相呼应,体现了双奥之城的传承与发扬。

    To honor Beijing 's status as the world 's first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics , the 2022 torch features a similar design to the 2008 Games ' main cauldron , which resembled a giant scroll of the Olympic spirit in the Chinese capital .

  26. H型钢辊式矫直残余几何形态的理论研究

    Research on residual geometrical shape of H-beam rolling straightening

  27. PET的形态结构对透气性能的影响

    The morphology of PET films and its influence on the gas permeability

  28. 扫描电镜(SEM)下观察红细胞形态变化。

    The author also observed the changes of erythrocyte modality with SEM .

  29. MRI评价宫颈癌在放疗中形态和体积变化的临床意义

    MRI in the assessment of change in size and morphology of cervical cancer during radiation therapy

  30. SOD活力下降在形态改变和mRNA转录受抑制之后才出现。

    The reduction in SOD activity appeared after morphological change and inhibition of mRNA transcription .