
  • 网络Incident light;incident ray
  1. 纤维的笛卡尔线(Descartesray)属圆形截面纤维在入射光线垂直于纤维轴入射时内表面反射光的一种特殊的反光现象。

    Descartes ray of the textile fiber is one kind of special reflection phenomenon of the internal surface reflected light when incident light is vertical to the fiber axis of round fiber .

  2. 对TN(扭曲向列)型液晶的透光率测量实验表明,在外加电压的作用下TN型液晶可以吸收入射光线,并且在外加电压连续改变时,对入射光的透光率将呈现连续非线性变化。

    The measurement for light transmittance of Twisted Nematic ( TN ) liquid crystal shows that TN liquid crystal can absorb incident light when voltage is applied . The transmittance for incident light will appear continuous nonlinear variation when the applied voltage varies continuously .

  3. 入射光线经五折镜组件反射后出射的角度误差为±10〃。

    The requirement for the angular error between the incident and the reflecting ray is about ± 10 arc second .

  4. 从折射定理出发,给出旋转双光楔的入射光线和出射光线之间的对应关系。

    Starting from refraction theorem , the corresponding relation between incident light and outgoing light of the rotating double optical wedges is given .

  5. 对于彩色图像,如果按某颜色分割,那么,要增强该颜色所在波段的入射光线。

    To segment a color image by one color , it must enhance the incident light on the wave band of this color .

  6. 用镜子看物体时,从物体发出的入射光线以相同的角度沿相反的方向反射回来。

    When we watch objects by a mirror , the incidence light emanated by objects reflects at the same angle in the adverse direction .

  7. 对入射光线调制,基于数字锁相技术设计中心频率110Hz锁相放大器,对接收信号进行解调。

    Modulation of the laser line based on the number lock-in technology design center frequency of 110 Hz lock-in amplifier , receiver signal demodulator .

  8. 该方法利用半球谐基函数对入射光线正交化,利用两个半球上的笛卡儿积来定义物体表面的双向反射率分布函数。

    This method uses the hemispherical harmonics basis to represent incoming radiance and uses the Cartesian product of two hemispheres to define the BRDFs .

  9. 因此,由于衍射存在,我们很难把入射光线集中在一点上,衍射使最终形成一个圆盘或者在外圈形成一个圆环。

    Therefore , instead of incoming light being focused to a perfect geometric point , the diffraction effect spreads the light into a disc with rings surrounding it .

  10. 然而它面临着由于入射光线和散射光线的“衰减”所导致的问题的“非线性性”和“不适定性”以及“多重散射”等困难。

    However , this technique is stifled by difficulties such as the nonlinear and ill-posedness problem due to the attenuation of incident and scattering rays and the multiple scattering problem .

  11. 本文讨论了非常光线和入射光线位于晶面法线同侧的条件,并指出某些文献中的不正确之处。

    This paper discusses the conditon on which extraordinary light and Incident light lies to the same side of normal of crystal surface and points out uncertain in some documents .

  12. 但是,这种碳纳米管材料可以吸收99.995%以上的入射光线,超过了能能吸收99.96%入射光线的Vantablack材料。

    And here 's the rub - this CNT material can absorb more than 99.995 percent of incoming light , beating the 99.96 percent that Vantablack is able to absorb .

  13. 在太阳能利用设备中,如果能量接收平面垂直于太阳入射光线,这样就可以在单位面积内收集更多的太阳能量。

    In the utilization of solar energy equipment , if a plane perpendicular to the sun to receive the incident light , so that you can collect more solar energy per unit area .

  14. 为了满足包括太阳直射和天空散射在内的2π球面度立体角范围的入射光线的测量需求,要求太阳紫外光谱辐射测量装置的入射光学系统必须具备较好的余弦响应特性。

    The ideal cosine entrance system is required for measuring the total radiation of the solar including the direct radiation and the diffuse radiation over a solid angle of 2 π steradian on the surface of the Earth .

  15. 如果把两个完全相同的直角棱镜的斜面相对,那么,来自第一棱镜的入射光线将偏移一定距离从另一面出射时,但仍与入射光线保持平行。

    If two identical right-angle prisms are symmetrically placed face on their oblique planes , the incident light coming from the first prism will be shifted by a certain distance but remain parallel when emerging from the other side .

  16. 本文从波差理论出发,由前组色差引起的后组入射光线座标变化,导出了衍生二级光谱计算公式,并应用于分离薄透镜系统,得到了简明的结论。

    In this paper , calculation formula for derivative secondary spectrum is derived based on the wave aberration theory , using the change of coordinates for incidence ray on the back group from the front group which has some chromatic aberration .

  17. 当光通过空气进入角膜时,角膜密度比空气大,大多数折射就发生在这个时候。但是水的密度和角膜的相似,所以,当我们在水底睁开眼睛的时候,入射光线很难弯曲或者聚焦。

    Most of the refraction takes place when light passes from the air into the cornea , which is much more dense , but water and the cornea have similar densities . So , when we open our eyes underwater , incoming light rays are hardly bent , or focused , at all .

  18. 利用溶液浓度与其掠入射临界光线折射角的关系,采用标准溶液进行测量和拟合标定,给出数学解析关系式。

    The method is based on the relationship between solution concentration and the critical light refraction angle of the transparent medium .

  19. 基于南北向菲涅耳反射镜场,该文从分析入射太阳光线与反射镜单元跟踪轴线之间的夹角出发,导出了反射光线到达接收器时在南北向偏离的距离(即端部损失)的计算公式。

    Based on a north-south mirror field , the equation for estimating the end losses was derived from analyzing the angle between incident sunlight and the tacking axis of a reflecting mirror .