
  • 网络warehousing entry
  1. 使用户操作简单、快速、准确,实现入库单数据在AIS与MIS中数据交换。

    The data of warehousing lists can be transferred freely between MIS and AIS by this method .

  2. 相反,入库单成交,表明增加WNT1表达Wnt和入库单相互调节彼此。

    Conversely , GRN knockdown increased WNT1 expression , demonstrating that Wnt and GRN reciprocally regulate each other .

  3. 他正在查阅产成品的入库单。

    He is checking the godown entry of the finished products .

  4. 仓储部门的出库、入库单等单据填写错误不得撕毁,加盖作废戳记后另起新页填写。

    Warehousing sector should stamped the wrong-filled list rather than tear it up , then fill a new one .

  5. 单据录入模块包括:订单管理、入库单、验货单。

    Enter bill of document module includes : order form management , export bill , sale in domestic market , bill of enter and out of storage .

  6. 入库单管理:入库预约确认完毕以后,系统产生正式的入库单,仓库才可以对物料进行收货。

    Receipt Management : When the inbound appointment is confirmed , a formalReceip can be generated by the system , then the warehouse begins to receive materials .

  7. 期初库存在产品成本根据入库单和出库单测算在制品和产成品的材料成本。

    Cost of beginning work in process inventory To record the material cost of WIP & Finished Goods ( FG ) according to the warehouse material receipts notes and material issue note .

  8. 根据入库单和出库单测算在制品和产成品的材料成本。选取要编入索引的数据库。所有可用数据库都已列出。

    To record the material cost of WIP & Finished Goods ( FG ) according to the warehouse material receipts notes and material issue note . Pick a database to index . All available databases are listed .

  9. “社会公共安全产品行业企事业单位产品数据库”免费入库通知单

    The notice of free entrance of " social public safety industry enterprises products database "