
  • 网络induction
  1. 因此我们有必要加强初任教师的入职引导研究。

    So we must strengthen studying on the beginning teacher 's induction .

  2. 初任教师的入职引导制度:以日英为例

    Induction Program for Newly Appointed Teachers : Case Studies of Japan and England

  3. 教师教育和入职引导为初任教师提供适合的支持体系的首要问题就是聚焦他们在教育教学实践中将经历什么。

    The primary concern of what can teacher education and admission instructions provide the appropriate supporting system with is what beginning teachers will experience .

  4. 美国芝加哥为解决公立学校新教师的大量流失问题,采取了一套“入职引导”制度。

    To solve the problem of teacher drain in the public schools , Chicago has embraced " induction " as a means for retaining good teachers .

  5. 尤其在上世纪终身教育和教师专业化运动的影响下,许多国家开始重视初任教师的入职引导研究,以支持新教师的专业发展。

    Especially influenced by lifelong education and the teacher professional development of last century , lots of countries start reinforce research on the beginning teacher induction programs in order to support the beginning teacher professional development .

  6. 在此基础上,研究者分析了初任教师在每项内容中的需求,以及帮助成长的对策,以期为教师教育和入职引导体制的健全做出研究贡献。

    On this basis , the author analyzes the needs of the beginning teachers in each different factor and the corresponding strategies to help them develop , so as to make contribution to the sound system of teacher education and admission instructions .