
  • 网络pre-service training;Orientation
  1. 新进员工的职前培训就是整个培训系统的开始,也是整个培训的重要部分。

    The pre-service training for new employees is the beginning and also an important part of the whole training system .

  2. 企业为了适应这样的大环境,提高企业自身的竞争力,企业内部也逐渐开始重视对人力资源的管理,特别是对新进员工的职前培训。

    Enterprises are gradually focused on the management of human resources especially pre-service training for new employees in order to adapt to this environment and enhance competitiveness .

  3. 生物专业师范生职前培训中微格教学的应用研究

    Application Study on Microteaching Training for Pre-Vocational Normal College Students in Biology Major

  4. 在此基础上对商贸企业新进员工职前培训的未来发展提出对策和建议。

    Lastly , make some countermeasures and suggestions for the future development of the pre-service training .

  5. 创新型职前培训制度探析

    Exploration of Creative Pre-career Training System

  6. 加强师资培训与配备,含在职培训与职前培训;

    The teachers should be trained and equipped much more , including in-service training and fore-service training ;

  7. 公司还提供临时工作分担和办公室育儿室等福利待遇。法国分公司还提供入职前培训。

    The company also offers job sharing , onsite childcare and , in France , pre-first day training .

  8. 为此需要加大职前培训的力度,提供更好的终身专业发展和支持,从而提高绩效和学习成果。

    This requires stronger training upfront and continual professional development and support , to enhance performance and learning outcomes .

  9. 本文作者根据自己英语教师职业技能训练课的教学实践,提出了师范院校英语教师职前培训中存在的一些问题;

    In this article , the author presents some problems of pre-service EFL teacher training in normal colleges in China .

  10. 英特尔(?)未来教育理念与师范院校职前培训模式探索及资源整合

    The Idea of the Intel (?) Teach to the Future and Prejob Training Mode of Normal Colleges and Schools Explore and the Integration of the Resources

  11. 新员工的职前培训对于企业和员工的发展都是非常重要的,培训可以加强员工的整体水平提升企业自身竞争力,为企业未来能够持续健康快速发展有重要作用。

    The pre-service training is very important for both the development of enterprises and employees as training will enhance the overall level of employees and competitiveness of enterprises .

  12. 研究教练员职前培训与职后继续教育过程中的不足,寻找有效提高教练员科学文化素质的对策。

    This article analyzes the present condition of the academic foundation of the coaches in order to find out deficiency of the education before and after their graduation from schools .

  13. 幼儿教师专业发展、素质的提高既依赖于职前培训也有赖于职后培训,既得益于学历教育更得益于岗位培养。

    The development of profession and the improvement of basic quality of the teachers in kindergartens depends on pre-service and in-service training , benefits from both diploma education and in-service training .

  14. 通过本研究,希望提出的观点和建议在安阳地区商贸企业新进员工职前培训实践方面和促进企业未来培训方面能够更好发展有一定的参考作用。

    Through this study , I hope my views and suggestions are able to provide some reference to help the practice of the pre-service training and promote the work of the future training .

  15. 本研究将教师自身生涯的各个阶段都考虑在内,包括他们的学习经验、职前培训、在职培训,从而探究教师教学知识的来源。

    This research takes each stages of a teacher 's one 's own career into account , including their study experience , pre-service training , on-service training , thus probe into the source of teacher 's pedagogical knowledge .

  16. 如改革幼儿教师职前培训模式、完善幼儿教师实习制度、推行幼儿教师入职培训体制、延长在职进修的年限、增加在职进修的经费投入、严格规范幼儿教师资格准入途径等。

    For example , reforming initial training mode , perfect teacher practice system , implementing teacher induction training system , extending the years of continuing education , increasing the funds of continuing education , regulating teachers ' professional certification system and so on .

  17. 医疗辅助队亦参加了由教育统筹局统筹的青年职前综合培训计划(展翅计划)。

    The AMS also participated in the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme co-ordinated by the Education and Manpower Bureau .

  18. 随着课程改革的推进,需要针对新的技能要求改革原有的培养方式,提出建立职前技能培训、入职技能辅导、在职技能提高一体化的教师职业技能培训体系。

    With the development of course reform in basic education , a new training system is needed for pre-professional skills training , in-professional skills guiding and improving .

  19. 缓解教师压力,切实加强师资培训,做好教师职前与在职培训;

    Relieve teacher 's pressure and implement English training for teachers .

  20. 从内容来看,它包括职前、在职培训的课程设置;

    In process , it consists of pre-job and on-the-job cultivation and training ;

  21. 校外指的是上级教育行政部门的问题,如职前职后培训的知识本位教学观、教学教研评价问题、教研员的问题等。

    External school difficulties refer to the problems caused by the superior educational administrative departments such as the knowledge-cored concept in the occupation training , the evaluation problems in the teaching research , the teaching researcher problems .

  22. 教师教育是培养教师的专业教育,它主要包含教师职前培养和在职培训两个阶段。

    Teacher education is a professional education for cultivating teachers , including pre-service teacher training and in-service teacher training .

  23. 最后,为进城就业农民工开展形式灵活、实效实用的职前教育和技能培训。

    Thirdly , to migrant farmers in the form of flexible employment , the practical effectiveness of the pre-vocational education and skills training .

  24. 教师专业发展学校是实现教师职前培养与在职培训一体化的一种新的探索。

    The establishment of professional development school ( PDS ) is a new exploration to integrate teachers ' pre service and in service training .

  25. 教师教育一体化的发展,将原来教师的职前培养和在职培训扩充为职前培养、入职指导和在职培训。

    With the development of integration of teacher education , the original teachers in pre-training and in-service training expand to pre-service training , induction , in-service training .

  26. 长期以来,我国师资培育以教师进入教学岗位为界限,被划分成职前培养和在职培训两个相互独立的阶段。

    There has been a limitation in teacher education before they get teaching position for a long time , which is divided into two independent stages , pre-service education and in-service training .

  27. 针对存在的问题,借鉴国外的先进经验,论文就加强职前培养和在职培训提出了建议和措施。

    In view of the existing problems and using the advanced experience of foreign countries for reference , the thesis puts forward the suggestions and measures to enhance preservice and inservice training .

  28. 在当前世界经济全球化、教育终身化的背景下,大力推进教师专业化,构建教师职前培养和在职培训的一体化是今后发展的趋势。

    Nowadays , on the background of global economy and life-long education , it 's the future trend to promote teachers ' specialization and build the system of teachers ' preservice training and in-service training .

  29. 而这一过程不但包括职前培养和在职培训,还应包括联系这两者的关键环节&初任教师入职教育。这是因为:入职阶段是初任教师专业发展的重要阶段。

    It not only includes pre-service education and in-service training , but also contains the bridge of the two phases , namely beginning teacher induction which is a key phase in teacher professional development process .

  30. 重视高职院校英语教师的职后培训和职前培训同等重要。

    It is of vital importance to highlight the training of teachers of vocational technical college .